Fact? Is so-called cold headache triggered by eating ice?

Fact? Is so-called cold headache triggered by eating ice? / Health News
Cold headache and many calories can limit the pleasure of eating in the summer
Lemon, Pistachio, Stracciatella: Ice cream is one of the most popular desserts, especially on hot days. Unfortunately, the enjoyment often comes with "side effects": according to scientists, every third person knows cold headache when eating ice cream. In addition, ice is one of the typical calorie traps in summer.

Popular with old and young
The summery temperatures of the last days have ensured full ice cream parlors. Delicious ice cream is not only popular with children. Every German citizen licks around 8.5 kilograms of ice cream each year. Although more and more exotic combinations such as chocolate with Earl Gray tea or various alcohol creations such as Spritz or Hugo can be found at the ice cream counters, the classic varieties of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry remain the most popular among the Germans. Unfortunately, the delicious enjoyment is not always healthy. Many people get headaches after eating cold food. In addition, ice often contains a lot of calories. And you should also be able to cool the stomach with it.

Almost nothing is more beautiful on a hot summer day than delicious ice cream. The pleasure is sometimes clouded. Every third person knows cold headaches when eating ice cream. (Image: Kalim / fotolia.com)

Every third person suffers from cold headache
The latter, according to experts, but not. The stomach can not be chilled with ice cream. Although the cool deliciousness when consumed about minus four degrees, but in the mouth the ice melts on the tongue and heats up to about 18 degrees. In the stomach it has almost reached our body temperature, reports the Commercial Health Insurance (KKH). But because of the so-called brain frost caused by ice cream, not everyone can enjoy ice cream carefree: "According to a Canadian study, every third person suffers from the so-called cold headache," explained Robert Deindl from the KKH service team in Deggendorf.

No medical or medical treatment required
A stabbing pain shoots through the head in seconds, especially when the ice is swallowed quickly and in large portions. According to KKH researchers assume that this cold headache is triggered by too much blood in the brain.

According to the information, the coldness on the palate expands the vessels and pumps warm blood into the brain via the main artery. The increased pressure then causes the pain. Although the headache known as brain frost may be unpleasant, it does not require any medical or medical treatment. However, migraine patients should be cautious about ice cream and, above all, enjoy the sweet delicacy slowly. The health insurance has a tip for sufferers ready: "The tongue firmly to the palate, to warm him up quickly."

Ice often has a lot of calories
However, ice cream often has quite a bit of calories that later become noticeable on the hips. Deindl said: "At most, the high calorie intake, which brings such an ice cream with it." According to a ball (50 grams) contains ice cream alone 120 calories. With cream, waffles and gravy, more are added so that a serving could replace a whole meal. But not all types of ice cream are calorie bombs.

There are also some that contain less fat and sugar. So the new trend Frozen Yogurt seems to be lower in calories and thus more figure-friendly. This summer refreshment is made of skim milk yoghurt instead of weighty ingredients like cream, milk, eggs or butter. "Frozen yogurt is a great alternative, but with sweet toppings of chocolate sprinkles, caramel pieces and nuts, it can just as quickly become a calorie bomb," says Deindl.

Frozen Yogurt can also be easily done by yourself
So if it should be a light version, it must be ensured that the frozen yogurt is sweetened only slightly and garnished with fresh fruit. On cream, sauces or crushed treats as a garnish should rather be dispensed anyway. According to the KKH communication, the yoghurt variant has an advantage over conventional ice cream: the yoghurt contains healthy probiotic cultures that regulate digestion and strengthen the immune system. "Frozen yogurt is also great with mixed lean yoghurt and fruit puree for a healthy ice cream at home," said Deindl.

Especially high calorie ice cream
The health insurance also explains in their message about the different ice variations. Accordingly, cream ice cream is made from at least 50 percent milk, water is not used in the production. Fruit ice, on the other hand, consists of sugar, water, fresh fruit, fruit pulp or fruit juice. The fruit content is 20 percent. Milk ice cream contains at least 70 percent milk that has been sweetened and flavored with fruit pulp or other ingredients. According to the information, today's common ice cream is mostly milk ice cream.

The particularly high-calorie cream ice cream has a milk fat content of at least 18 percent from the cream used. Soy ice cream does not contain cow milk, but soy milk; Meanwhile, there are also exotic varieties with buffalo or goat's milk. Sorbet is an ice cream or thin ice made from sweetened fruit juice, sweet wine or spirits. And water ice mainly consists of frozen water and sugar and has a maximum of three percent fat. (Ad)