Tampon causative for amputations - woman also lost her second leg

Tampon causative for amputations - woman also lost her second leg / Health News

Young model needs to be amputated because of tampon the second leg

About five years ago, after the model Lauren Wasser suffered a Toxic Shock Syndrome triggered by a tampon, her right leg had to be amputated down the knee. Now apparently the amputation of the left lower leg is required. In recent years, cases of toxic shock syndrome have been reported repeatedly, sometimes even fatal. But the risk is often underestimated, warns the 29-year-old Lauren water.

Until October of 2012, Lauren Wasser was a successful model who worked for Vogue among others. However, her life changed abruptly after suffering a life-threatening toxic shock syndrome (TSS) from a tampon. Only barely could their lives be saved and the amputation of their right lower leg was required. Now, according to the young woman, her left leg has to be amputated.

Because of a tampon, a young model has a toxic shock syndrome and loses both legs. (Image: Michal Ludwiczak / fotolia.com)

Life-threatening bacterial infection

In the fall of 2012, the model suddenly felt unwell and her condition worsened rapidly, until she was finally found face down on the bedroom floor. The emergency room was followed by a clinic. The patient had a very high fever and already had a severe heart attack. In the face of impending organ failure, she was put into artificial coma. The doctors diagnosed a TSS, a bacterial infection triggered by a tampon. The patient's right leg affected by gangrene had to be amputated from the knee downwards, but the doctors were able to save her life.

Wrong material and lack of education

At the time, Water told the magazine "Vice" that she would never have used a tampon if she knew the risk of the TSS completely. It blames the wrong tampon material and lack of education on the fact that every year thousands of women suffer TSS. "The problem has been known for 30 years. At that time there was a real TSS epidemic in the country, and many processes. But the hygiene industry did not do anything about it, "claims her lawyer Hunter J. Shkolnik in 2015.

Even the left leg can not be saved

In a recent guest article in the fashion magazine "InStyle" Lauren water now reports that she will lose her left leg in a few months. There is no way around an amputation. Five years ago, doctors would have advised her to undergo such an amputation, but she wanted to fight. "The doctors told me that there is a 50-50 chance to save my leg"; writes water. However, the damage had been extremely severe and she had already amputated the toes and part of the heel. An open ulcer has developed on her foot and she suffers from terrible pain every day, making it almost unbearable to walk, the young model continues.

Is the risk downplayed??

Lauren Wasser wants to encourage other women with the open reports about their illness and educate about the often underestimated risk. Every time she turns on the TV, she gets angry, so water. Because "in the advertising clips for tampons you can see only young, happy girls who walk in bikinis along the beach" and "the dangers are played down totally," the 29-year-old emphasizes in her guest post.

Warnings insufficient

Although an indication of the risk of toxic shock syndrome today on German tampon packaging obligation, but this provides no real protection, so the charge of the young model. She also advocates changes in materials, as tampons made of 100 percent cotton would be a much lower risk. However, most of the producers rely on a mix of viscose fiber and cotton or pure viscose. (Fp)