Daydreams also encourage creativity in the office

Daydreams can promote ingenuity at work
Supervisors will probably not be very excited. Workers should occasionally indulge in daydreams during working hours. According to Prof. Lothar Seiwert, an expert in time management from Heidelberg, they promote creativity.
Daydreams are imaginative fantasies and imaginations that, unlike sleeping dreams, are experienced in the awake state of consciousness. The dreams can happen either arbitrarily or consciously. In the office daydreams often happen, for example when the concentration wears off. The dreaming moves away in his attention from the outside events and turns to his „inner world“ to.
According to Prof. Seiwert, daydreams can promote ingenuity in professional life. „Afterwards one is often more productive, more effective and more creative“, explains the expert for. Anyone who consistently achieves high levels of performance requires a break for his mind from time to time. His tip: looking out the window for about five minutes and dreaming, that could be helpful for the creativity. (Sb)
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Image: Kurt Bouda