Daily rhythm disorders are often the cause of mental suffering

How does a disturbed daily routine affect the psyche??
When people suffer from mood disorders, feelings of loneliness and unhappiness, a disturbed sleep-wake rhythm of rest and activity can be the source of these problems. Researchers have now found that disorders of the so-called circadian rhythms can be a cause of mental health problems.
The scientists from the University of Glasgow found in their current study that disturbed circadian rhythms are a cause of mental health problems. The physicians published the results of their current study in the English language journal "The Lancet".

Balance between rest and activity is important
The results of the study do not show whether circadian rhythm disorders are a cause of mental health problems or whether the disorders are caused by mental health problems or are a combination of both, the experts explain. However, the study underlines the importance of a balanced balance between rest and activity.
Circadian disorders are more common in cities
Many people today have a disturbed 24-hour cycle. It is estimated that by 2050 about two-thirds of the world's population will live in cities where the development of circadian disorders is much more likely. This can lead to major public health problems. This raises various questions: How can natural patterns of rest and activity be influenced? How should cities and workplaces be designed to protect people's mental health??
Analyzed data came from UK BioBank
For the current study, which was the largest of its kind so far, the data of the so-called UK BioBank were analyzed. This research initiative collected the health information of 500,000 people. The subjects were between the ages of 37 and 73 years.
Researchers used activity trackers
In order to further explore the link between mental health and the 24-hour cycles of sleep and activity known as circadian rhythms, the team also looked at the data of more than 91,000 participants who attended one week in 2013 for one week Had worn wrist activity tracker.
Regularity of rest and activity was studied
The scientists examined how active the subjects were on average during their most active ten hours a day. The researchers then compared this value with the five least active hours of the participants. Thus, a relative amplitude could be calculated to determine the inconsistency or disturbance of the regularity of rest and activity, explains study author Professor Daniel Smith of the University of Glasgow. When people are active during the day and sleep well at night, they have a very healthy profile. The participants, who tended to have a disturbed sleep, awoke several times a night and were less active during the day, performed significantly worse, say the doctors.
Questionnaires were evaluated
The researchers then examined the results of questionnaires completed by the participants when they joined the UK Biobank. In these, factors such as loneliness, reaction time and neuroticism were identified. The participants were also asked about depression and bipolar disorder.
Subjects were divided into groups
The subjects were then divided into five groups of nearly equal size based on their relative amplitude and the results analyzed. Low relative amplitude was thus associated with poorer mental health, including factors such as age, gender, season (in which the tracker was worn), socioeconomic status, smoking status and childhood trauma experience.
How did it affect a disturbed daily routine?
When the relative amplitude values of one group were compared with those of the next lower group, it was found that the likelihood of group-to-group loneliness increased by nine percent. The risk of developing depression was increased by six percent and the likelihood of developing bipolar disorder increased by eleven percent. In addition, satisfaction and response times have slowed, explain the authors.
There were limitations in the study?
The results seem to be very consistent for these negative mental and cognitive effects. The connection remained even after the consideration of many different factors still persist, say the doctors. However, the study had limitations, including the fact that the activity data were collected only for one week and at a time other than the questionnaire data. Also, no teenagers were considered, although this important time in life can have a great deal of mental health as well as the body's own clock.
Internal clock differs from person to person
After 10 pm activities should be avoided that could disrupt the circadian rhythm, experts suggest. Such activities include, for example, the use of mobile phones or getting up at night to have a drink. However, it is important to note that body clocks vary from person to person, which means that flexibility is important both at work and at school. There simply is not an optimal timing for all people, adds Professor Smith. (As)