Day of the pharmacy What belongs in the medicine chest?

Pharmacists offer free check of the medicine cabinet
On today „Day of the pharmacy“ Numerous actions take place in the pharmacies all over Germany, where the experts inform about the correct composition of the medicine cabinet.
Interested parties can inform themselves today in the local pharmacies about the correct equipment of the medicine chest free of charge. „Pharmacists are experts in drugs. Take advantage of the range of services offered by the pharmacies and have your medicine cabinet checked ", said the request of Heinz-Günter Wolf, President of the Federal Association of German Pharmacists Associations (ABDA), in an action nationwide „Day of the pharmacy“ in Berlin.
Free check of medicine chest
Once the pharmacists offer today „Day of the pharmacy“ Free the service of a check of the medicine cabinet. Anyone interested can find out in the participating local pharmacies about the right equipment of their own medicine cabinet. According to the ABDA, the campaign should also draw attention to the performance of the pharmacies and their diverse range of counseling services. In general, the experts advise to regularly check the contents of the medicine chest - at least once a year. Expired medicines should be disposed of immediately. Because „if the expiry date printed on the package is exceeded, it may not be used any more than, for example, a food“, In addition to the fact that certain drugs, such as eye drops, are only stable for a few weeks after opening, so the experts advise to record the date of the onset of the drug on the package. Bandages should also be regularly renewed, according to pharmacists, as they lose their quality over time.
Optimal equipment of the medicine cabinet depending on the individual life situation
Which equipment of the medicine chest is optimal for the patients, according to Heinz-Günter Wolf „also from the life circumstances and the personal needs.“ So need „a family with young children other medicines than a single“, explained the ABDA President. As a guide ABDA offers on its website „a comprehensive checklist for the medicine cabinet. in principle „In addition to individually required medicines are especially preparations for acute diseases, for example, for pain“ into the medicine chest, so the announcement of the Federal Association of German pharmacists associations on the occasion of today „Tags of the pharmacy“. (Fp)
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Image: Friedrich Cubigsteltig