Taboo Halitosis Recognize and treat bad breath

Trigger for bad smells
Contrary to widespread prejudice, the main cause of nausea is rarely in the stomach, but mostly in the mouth. The bad breath may be responsible for the consumption of odor-intensive foods such as onions or garlic or lack of hygiene. In both cases, the person concerned can remedy the situation quickly - as far as they know.
In addition to these rather harmless triggers sometimes lead to respiratory and metabolic diseases, inflammation, tumors and even poisoning to bad breath. False shame is dangerous in some cases.

Identify bad breath
Many people do not perceive their own exhalations over time. Thus, the trick to breathe into the hollow hand and then smell it usually does not cause any particular reactions. "It does not look the same, however, if the affected person smells of used dental floss or on the finger that was previously painted over the back of the teeth. Such self-tests are not reliable, but give a first indication of whether bad breath is present, "Dr. Spanka. Certainty ultimately creates the honest testimony of close friends or a medical professional. This can be a dentist, but also an ear, nose and throat doctor or internist.
Simple tips for fresh breath
Thorough and regular dental care is the best remedy for halitosis. This includes the use of tongue scrapers as well as dental floss or interdental brushes. At least every three months, the toothbrush should be changed - or as soon as the bristles stand out. Toothpaste with fluoride not only strengthens the enamel, but also provides fresh breath.
"Mouthwashes help against inflammation in the mouth, but should not be used permanently. Because they can make the oral flora out of balance, "explains Dr. med. Spanka. If you do not have the opportunity to brush your teeth while on the go, you should drink water after your meal. In this way possible leftovers of food are removed from the interstices, bacteria are washed away and the pH in the mouth is neutralized. It's also a good idea to stimulate salivation with sugar-free chewing gum or chewy foods such as carrots. (Sb)