Indicate symptoms of anorexia or bulimia correctly

Indicate symptoms of anorexia or bulimia correctly / Health News
Warning signs of an eating disorder are often difficult to recognize
Eating disorders such as anorexia (anorexia nervosa) or bulimia do not develop from one day to the next. In most cases, those affected initially show behavioral changes that are not yet rated as pathological eating habits, but can be indications of an emerging eating disorder, reports the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). Here, parents and friends need to be more attentive to the signs of an emerging eating disorder, as those in need of help urgently need help. However, the distinction between morbid eating behavior and an extremely figure-conscious lifestyle can certainly cause difficulties.

Often, those affected before the actual eating disorder already show a pronounced figure awareness with strange eating habits and the transitions to a pathological disorder are flowing, the BZgA. "Especially with anorexia, the suffering for the victims begins very late," said Professor Stephan Herpertz of the German Society for Psychosomatic Medicine and Medical Psychotherapy (DGPM) by the news agency "dpa" quoted. However, before the clinical picture becomes apparent, there are often changes in behavior that parents and friends should become aware of. Also the pronounced dissatisfaction with the own appearance is according to data of the BZgA a possible warning signal.

Self-awareness is drastically disturbed in anorexic patients. (Image: RioPatuca Images /

Food dominates the thoughts
The basis for the development of an eating disorder usually forms a very low self-esteem. Those affected are always too fat and hope for improvement if they reduce their weight. But even if they think they are too fat when others find them too thin, the BZgA explains. Their behavior is determined by the panic fear of gaining weight. Constant weight checks and increased glances in the mirror are typical here. Also, the "thoughts only revolve around food and the figure," reports the BZgA on. If all other topics are neglected except for the food, then mindfulness is required. In the case of those at risk, the thoughts and conversations are focused exclusively on "the food, the diet and the size of the clothes," cites the "dpa" Professor Herpertz. Not infrequently, friends and acquaintances would therefore turn away annoyed, but actually need those concerned, especially in this situation support.

Compulsive control of eating habits
The eating behavior in anorexia is characterized by a massive control compulsion. Lustful, spontaneous feasting is taboo. For example, E is "only eaten at certain times or only low-fat, low-calorie", explains the BZgA. Often the foods are classified as "good" and "bad / dangerous", although a healthy or vegetarian diet will be increasingly limited over time. Those affected often miss out on individual meals, eating tiny portions while eating, chewing each bite many times, and shoving the food on the plate but not eating anything, the BZgA continues. Also, the sudden disappearance of a large part of the food from the refrigerator is a warning signal.

Those affected remain dissatisfied even after losing weight
Initially, those affected by a weight loss by their "diet" initially quite satisfied. But typically, this feeling of anorexia does not last long. The border between the pronounced figure awareness and the pathological eating disorder is fluid. No one is anorexic from the beginning, Porfessor Herpertz is quoted by the "dpa". It will be critical, as soon as no longer satisfy the achievement of the originally desired lower weight, but the sufferers want to lose weight more and more. Here arises a suction in which there is no limit down.

Binge eating is often part of the complaint
Many anorexics are, according to the BZgA not permanently able to control their eating habits as desired and in "60 percent of anorexics, the permanent diet over time is interrupted by binge eating." Subsequently, the victims would try this binge through vomiting, laxatives and make other drugs "undone" again. Corresponding binge eating is also characteristic of the disease of bulimia. In this particular eating disorder, binges sometimes appear several times a week, while the rest of the time is characterized by extremely controlled food intake. "Too much control can lead to a loss of control, the notorious binge the patient responds to with even more control. A vicious circle is emerging, "explains Professor Herpertz in the contribution of" dpa ".

Inconspicuous signs of an eating disorder
According to the BZgA, possible indications of an existing eating disorder are also inconspicuous behavioral changes, such as increased sporting activities, which are exclusively operated for weight loss. Frequent toilet calls can also be a warning sign here, as well as the purchase of laxatives and means for losing weight. Furthermore, sometimes physical changes can be detected. Torn corners of the mouth due to vomiting, frequent freezing, circulatory problems, dizziness and hair loss are here called by the BZgA as warning signs. Paradoxically, those affected would also often show a high interest in cookbooks or recipes and like to cook for others - but without having to eat.

Address affected people and seek help
If parents or friends suspect an eating disorder, Professor Herpertz advises to look at the conversation in private. However, active intervention functions just as little as looking away. The conversation should therefore be "characterized by concern, not by parental knowledge," continued Herpertz. The aim of such a conversation must be that those affected turn their problem to third parties for therapeutic support. Possible contact persons are counseling centers, psychosomatic clinics, the family doctor or even established psychotherapists. (Fp)