Supermarket contact lenses can damage eyes

Ophthalmologists warn: Supermarket contact lenses can damage the eyes
Contact lenses are now available throughout Germany in many supermarkets and drugstores. But the low-cost soft contact lenses can cause damage to the eye, warns the professional association of ophthalmologists in Germany. The contact lenses from the supermarket are indeed much cheaper than the ophthalmologist or optician, but this is at the expense of quality. According to the specialist of ophthalmology and head of the department, there are contact lenses at the professional association of ophthalmologists in Germany, Gerald Böhme, „in the supermarket or in the drugstore no contact lenses with an individual fit and high oxygen permeability.“
Always buy contact lenses from an optometrist or optician?
According to the ophthalmologists, customers should be aware of the fact that „Contact lenses (...) Medical devices (are) and not goods that should come from the Grabbeltisch“. Because the low price is usually associated with a significantly poorer quality, which can lead to irritation and, at worst, damage to the eye. Therefore, contact lens wearers should „always consult a doctor“, emphasized Gerald Böhme. This can determine whether the eye is healthy at all and whether there may be interactions with other drugs. In addition, the seat of the contact lens is precisely adjusted by the ophthalmologist to avoid irritation of the eye. Who, however „Buying contact lenses in the supermarket risks damaging the eye“, warned Böhme. Passport problems are inevitable, since the shape of the supermarket lenses is almost always the same, while the eyes of the wearer differ significantly. „Obviously, one and the same contact lens can not fit every eye“, explained the ophthalmologist.
Problematic with corneal curvature and lack of eye fluid
In addition, the expert judged problematic that the strength of the supermarket contact lenses does not necessarily correspond to the required glasses strength and the contact lenses are often bought more by feeling. In addition, will „no acclimation phase as with dimensionally stable lenses“ so that the soft lenses often falsely give the sighted one the feeling that a doctor's visit is not necessary. „The soft lenses are easy to insert and somehow they always seem to fit“, but this is always the case with nieces, emphasized Böhme. In particular, those who suffer from corneal curvature or have too little eye fluid, can get significant problems with the soft contact lenses. But given the price advantage offered by the contact lenses from the drugstore or the supermarket, consumers will probably not in the future waive the Supermark contact lenses. (Fp)
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Picture: Frank Kay