Superfood Gojio or hemp health miracle also in this country

Superfood Gojio or hemp health miracle also in this country / Health News
Goji, cannabis seeds and co: Do ​​not expect miracles from Superfood
For many health-conscious people, exotic berries such as goji and acai or even hemp seed are in high demand. Such "Superfood" should make slim and beautiful, have a rejuvenating effect and sometimes even help against diseases. But these foods can not be more than home-grown fruits and vegetables, my nutrition expert.

Experts warn against exaggerated expectations
Foods advertised as "superfoods" such as goji, acai berries or hemp seeds are said to improve health. Some of the exotic berries are said to not only have a rejuvenating effect, but could even help against diseases like diabetes or cancer. However, nutrition experts warn of exaggerated expectations in a recent news agency dpa. "The so-called superfood can supplement the diet, but one should not expect any miracles," explained Silke Restemeyer of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) in Bonn. "What is important is a balanced and varied diet."

Goji berries are healthy, but apparently not healthier than native berries.

Goji berries in traditional Chinese medicine
For example, Goji berries contain a lot of iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamins A, C and E over other fruits, and have been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for millennia. Their alleged rejuvenation effect is according to DGE scientifically but not proven. In China, berries are used to treat high blood pressure, high blood sugar, strengthen the immune system, treat eye problems and prevent and treat cancer.

Do not consume too many cannabis seeds
The Chia Seeds, which are considered to be "healing remedies of the Maya", also have many valuable ingredients, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, but there are no definite statements about long-term health effects. Although cannabis seeds have bred the intoxicating effect, you should not eat too much as they are very energetic at 475 kilocalories per 100 grams. As the dpa writes, Daniela Graf from the Max Rubner Institute in Superfood sees above all a fashion. "I think that the fact that there will be a new superfood every half year soon proves that none of these products is really the panacea advertised in advertising." There is no food that alone can provide the body with all the nutrients it needs.

No goji berries along with blood thinners
Consumers also need to be aware of the shape of the superfruits: According to Restemeyer, for example, fresh goji berries are healthier than dried or in pill and powder form. Referring to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Restemeyer said that people taking blood-thinning medications should avoid goji berries as a precaution because they could prevent the breakdown of the drugs. The Federal Association of German Pharmacists Associations (ABDA) issued a similar warning last year when it drew attention to the interaction of food and medicines.

Positive ingredients in domestic foods
For the trend foods, it is generally true that only those people who eat regularly can benefit. "The advertising suggests that it can compensate for unbalanced diet. But that's not the case, "says Restemeyer. Adding a few of these berries to sweetened cereal is not much help. "If you really want to do something for your health, you have to pay attention to your entire lifestyle," emphasized Graf. According to the experts, many of the positive ingredients are already contained in local foods - and thus often for less money. For example, the allegedly slimming anthocyanins of the acai berries are also found in red cabbage, elderberry or blackcurrants, explained Restemeyer. "Germany is not a vitamin manganese country. We do not rely on exotic foods to meet our nutritional needs. "According to Graf, only vitamin D and folic acid are exceptions in women who want to have children. But these nutrients are not included in the Superfoods in larger quantities. (Ad)

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Picture: Ute Mulder