Superbacteria Even the Arctic is already populated with resistant super-pathogens

Superbacteria Even the Arctic is already populated with resistant super-pathogens / Health News

Super exciters found in one of the most remote areas of the world

So-called super-pathogens pose a tremendous threat to all of humanity. Now, researchers have discovered bacteria that resist some of humanity's most potent antibiotics, even in one of the most desolate and remote areas of the world, the Arctic. This indicates that even the last untouched parts of the world are already colonized by super-pathogens.

The scientists of Newcastle University found in their current study that so-called super-exciters are already represented in the most remote places in the world. The researchers published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Environment International".

When bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, treatment turns out to be extremely problematic. More and more people in the world are dying from an infection with such resistant pathogens. (Image: jarun011 /

BlaNDM-1 found in the Arctic

Soil samples to detect bacteria originating from the Kongsfjorden region were tested positive for so-called resistance genes, which were first observed in India in 2008 and are very rare outside of hospitals. The spread of genes, known as blaNDM-1, is tightly controlled worldwide as it allows bacteria to become resistant to certain forms of antibiotics known as carbapenems. This detected pollution of the environment was probably caused by migratory birds or human visitors in the region, the experts explain.

Antibiotic resistance is a global problem

The polar regions are one of the Earth's last untouched ecosystems, says study author Professor David Graham of Newcastle University. But less than three years after the first discovery of the blaNDM-1 gene in the surface waters of urban India, scientists find the genes thousands of miles away in an area where humans show minimal presence. Evidence in areas like the Arctic makes it clear how fast and widespread the spread of antimicrobial resistance is. Solutions to combat antibiotic resistance need to be global, not just local, the doctors say.

People accelerate development of bacterial defenses

Some experts have already warned that increasing antibiotic resistance is a global health emergency that is more serious than climate change or world wars. The development of bacterial defenses is accelerated by the inappropriate use of antibiotics. For example, they often find use in viral infections where the drugs have no effect, and in livestock, where the drugs used spread through sewage into the environment.

More than 131 antibiotic resistance genes were detected

The current study used 40 soil samples from eight sites, where more than 131 antibiotic resistance genes could be detected. These were directed against some of the major classes of antibiotics used around the world to fight infections and make smaller operations safer. For example, a gene has been found in all samples that confers resistance to multiple drugs in tuberculosis pathogens. The gene blaNDM-1 has been detected in more than 60 percent of the soil cores in the study, study author Professor Graham adds. These findings have enormous implications for the worldwide spread of antibiotic resistance. (As)