Suicide prevention Facebook wants to provide better support

Suicide prevention Facebook wants to provide better support / Health News
Network expands support offer for suicidal persons
More than a billion people worldwide are currently active on Facebook every day. The contributions of the users are not always just happy and amusing. Many also use the platform to get rid of negative thoughts and report about depression and despair. To help suicidal people better, Facebook wants to expand its offer now and provide a first aid with a "suicide button".

More than 1.6 billion users per month
Facebook currently has more than one billion active users a day, with a monthly reach of more than 1.65 billion people worldwide. The published statements, pictures and videos are often funny and entertaining - but just as often users post also sad and thoughtful posts that suggest a personal crisis. In order to be better able to support those affected, the company has developed a new tool, which was launched on Tuesday together with local partners in all the languages ​​available on Facebook worldwide.

Facebook wants to offer suicidal people more help in the future. (Image: peshkova /

Conspicuous contributions can be forwarded
So far, contact numbers of pastoral care organizations have appeared on the display, if the user behavior on Facebook gave indications of a possible suicidal intent. However, the offer for suicide prevention will be further expanded, according to the company's announcement. The aim is, therefore, worldwide "to expand the resources for people with self-harm and suicidal thoughts" and the support of concerned friends and family members. Facebook had developed the new application in collaboration with health organizations as well as with the support of formerly affected individuals and initially presented in the US. Since Tuesday, the functions are available worldwide.

Direct contact to assistance
The new tool should therefore make it possible for Facebook friends to report when someone has published or shared a worrying post. The network will then check the notice immediately and contact the user in case of necessary support. "Our teams process the incoming messages around the clock worldwide. They prioritize the messages, prioritize the most serious such as self-harm, and then provide the affected with appropriate help and resources, "the company said. This can e.g. choose whether to contact a friend or professional help, e.g. from the telephone counseling. The contacts are then made directly via Facebook. (No)