Suicide in depressed people

Suicide in depressed people / Health News

Suicide in depression

To prevent suicide (suicide) in depressed people in the social environment

The German Society for Suicide Prevention states that suicide is one of the leading causes of death. According to estimates by the WHO in 2008, around 1 000 000 people are killed by suicide worldwide, in Germany alone the figure was 10,000. The number of suicide attempts should be about ten times. One of the main causes of ending one's life is a depressive illness.

Depression is the leading cause of suicide
The news of the suicide of football professional Robert Enke on 10.11.2009 has fueled the discussion on the subject of "depression" with the renewed demand for the de-tabulation of depressive disorders in football. After no one in the sporty-professional environment Enkes wants to have noticed any signs of depression or even threatened suicide, now the calls are louder, "to open" and "to pay attention to the other". After all, in competitive sports you have to deal with enormous pressure to perform, inner and outer expectations and demands and the associated psychological stress. But these demands must not be confined to football. In particular, job stress with fear of failure, but also the fear of unemployment and financial worries can be as a "stress factor" in almost every career source or trigger a depressive illness, if a genetic predisposition or unprocessed events in your own life already burden the soul. The exact mechanisms of depression have so far been considered insufficient (see also article Depression). It is known, however, that about two-thirds of suicide attempts or completed suicides are made from depression, especially when added to addiction, separation or a serious physical illness.

Signals of depression and suicidality

The call for more awareness in our social environment affects us all. But how do we recognize that a colleague, someone from friends, acquaintances or sports clubs is depressed and carries serious thoughts of suicide?

Depression usually manifests itself externally through behavioral changes. Often a social retreat can be observed. Contacts are broken off, hobbies are given up, habitual work processes are no longer manageable. Some sufferers no longer leave their apartment and bed. Facial expressions, gestures and voices may lose their expression. Suffering from changing physical aches and pains, weight loss, conspicuous concentration disorders, frequent sick leave and worries about one's own health can also be indicative of depressive symptoms. The attitude of those concerned about the future and their own abilities are increasingly negative and pessimistic. Self-doubts, feelings of hopelessness and thoughts of suicide are expressed ("I will soon be tired"). Increased attention to the topic of death should also be considered as an alarm signal.

Help to find help
The German Society for Suicide Prevention mentions patience and an open discussion with the person concerned as an effective aid. The observed changes should be addressed and questioned. In no case should the concerns of those affected (as unrealistic as they appear) be trivialized and dismissed. Death wishes and suicidal thoughts should be taken up and taken seriously. The myth that "real suicides" never talk about their plans before is persistent, but not true according to experience. If possible, caregivers should be included. Of course, the professional help can not be replaced by the attention of a colleague, friend, friend or relative. Rather, attention should be drawn carefully to concrete offers of help. Sometimes it is necessary to take the first steps, to pass on addresses or to accompany the person concerned for an initial interview with an auxiliary organization. On the Internet there are numerous information on depression and suicidality, there are forums for sharing experiences and addresses of self-help groups. On the websites "Competence Network Depression" you can find information about the offers of the "German Alliance for Depression e.V." and the "Foundation German Depressionshilfe" Particularly useful are the lists of regional self-help groups and crisis services listed by postal code. (jvs, 19.11.2009)

Sources and other aids:

- German Alliance against Depression
Competence Network
German Society for Suicide Prevention - Help in Life Crises e.V.