Addiction E-cigarettes are anything but harmless

Addiction E-cigarettes are anything but harmless / Health News
Addiction "abstinence - consumption - control": E-cigarette not harmless
In recent years, more and more people have begun to use e-cigarettes. Many of them hope to be able to wean themselves from cigarettes. But the electric vaporizers are not as harmless as is often claimed. They usually do not help smokers quit.

Are e-cigarettes helpful in stopping??
Time and again, experts point out that e-cigarettes can help stop smoking. Recently, British scientists published a study that concludes that the electronic vaporizers are helpful in stopping. On the other hand, however, it is repeatedly stated in scientific studies that e-cigarettes are not harmless.

More and more people are using e-cigarettes. Some of them want to stop smoking step by step. But smoke quenching help the electric evaporator only limited. (Image: tunedin /

Advantages and disadvantages of the electric evaporator
If even professionals find it difficult to develop a common stance on the pros and cons of the e-cigarette, it is even more difficult for laymen. The German Center for Addiction Issues (DHS) has now published a position paper on the use of e-cigarettes.

It states: "Based on recent studies, the DHS can only recommend e-cigarettes as a strategy for minimizing harm (harm reduction). Only smokers who can not or do not want to stop, by switching to e-cigarettes, a damage reduction - but only if they switch completely to e-cigarettes. "

Smoking is the best health protection
As an "assistant" to reduce or even stop smoking, electric vaporizers are only of limited use. At the same time, the experts warn against the long-term use of e-cigarettes. "Because e-cigarettes are not harmless. The best health protection is still the smoking cessation. "

The paper was also presented at the symposium "Abstinenz - Konsum - Kontrolle" in Erfurt. There about 470 conference participants discuss the issue of abstinence or controlled drug use. (Ad)