Addiction doctor for negligent homicide in court

A 65-year-old general and addiction medicine has been responsible since Wednesday for negligent homicide before the district court Kempten. The doctor is accused of unfairly prescribed narcotic drugs to addicts and thereby causing the death of a patient.

Addiction medicine is said to have blackmailed and cheated on patients
Doctors may prescribe drugs such as methadone to opiate addicts to stabilize their state of health and everyday life. However, strict guidelines and the provisions of the Narcotics Act apply. According to the indictment, the 65-year-old doctor had gone over it and given too much treatment.
In addition, the general practitioner and addiction doctor is said to have extorted or cheated on patients in several hundred cases, as he unlawfully demanded additional payments from them according to the indictment.
At the beginning of the trial, the defendant relied on ethical principles. Without the medical treatment the seriously addicted patients would "perish", quotes the news agency "dpa" the doctor. "My intention was to help people in need to achieve a reasonable, dignified life." (Ag)