Addiction More and more women get treated

Apparently, more and more women are treated therapeutically for addictive diseases.
(14.06.2010) According to the doctor specializing in addiction diseases. Michael Köhnke can be treated more and more women against addictions. Könke is chief physician of the Rostock Friedrich Petersen Clinic. The doctor sees a connection between the educational and advisory work of recent years. The affected would be more open through the education work to deal with their problem more open and go into a therapeutic treatment, said the dr. Köhnke opposite the news agency "dpa". Overall, this would be a positive development if more and more people were treated for their addiction.
So far, the proportion of women in the therapies was around 10 percent. For a long time, according to the Rostock doctor, the proportion of treatments had risen to 25 percent. Most female patients are affected by alcohol addiction and drug dependence. The doctor spoke during the 17th Rostock Week of Action against Addictions. Over the course of the event week, events, discussions, and information and education campaigns
to deal responsibly with addictive substances are offered. In the medical community, the term "dependency syndrome" is used instead of the word "addiction". (Sb)