Fall hazards Falls often require care

Fall hazards Falls often require care / Health News
Experts warn against the risk of falls
Fall injuries can have fatal consequences, especially for the elderly. "About three million times in 2014 people had to be treated for a fall due to medical treatment," reports the University Hospital Freiburg, citing the figures of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). With age, the proportion of falls in the overall accident scene increases significantly.

Overall, "every second accident in men over the age of 70 years is a fall, in women over 70 are even almost two out of three accidents falls," said the release of the University Hospital Freiburg. In many cases, smaller falls are accepted as a normal sign of aging and people are unaware of how dangerous a fall can be, explains nursing scientist Dr. med. Johanna Feuchtinger, Head of Staff Unit Quality and Development in Nursing at the University Medical Center Freiburg.

Stumbling blocks in the home, such as door sills and carpet edges, can be fatal to old people. (Picture: Picture-Factory / fotolia.com)

Bone fractures often result
According to the expert, falls are one of the most common causes of people needing care. Every third physician-treated fall causes a bone fracture, with thigh and femoral neck fractures being particularly frequent, the Freiburg University Hospital continues. Every fourth fall must even be treated in the hospital. Falls are particularly dangerous for people with osteoporosis, as their bones have an increased susceptibility to fracture anyway.

What is the risk of falling??
"The best criterion for a patient's fall risk is whether he or she has fallen in the last six months," Dr. Johanna Feuchtinger, who is responsible for optimal fall prevention in everyday clinical practice at the Freiburg University Hospital. Anyone who has fallen in the last six months must "expect a fall at any time," according to Feuchtinger. Patients who are over 65 years old are at particular risk. In addition, there are several other aspects that are likely to make falls, reports the expert. Here are among other neurological pre-existing conditions such as a stroke, short-sightedness or farsightedness, psychological impairments such as anxiety or depression, general muscle weakness or drugs with effect on the cardiovascular system.

Trip hazards are a risk factor
In addition, an increased urinary frequency or medications that trigger this, increase the risk of falling. "Because the fast nocturnal walk to the toilet - possibly without glasses - many conditions for falls are given," reports the University Hospital Freiburg. Basically, those who are more prone to fall are usually doomed when external risk factors are added. As such, tripping hazards such as door thresholds, carpets or too long clothing should be mentioned, as well as dark lighting conditions, badly adapted glasses or slippers that change the gait pattern.

Fall prophylaxis should be more important
"In addition to the dangers of the fall itself, the subsequent treatment, possibly with anesthesia, surgery, long bed rest and unknown environment, for the patients stressful," explains Dr. med. Feuchtinger continues. The fall prophylaxis must therefore be given an increased importance. As a rule, the sources of danger in the household can be eliminated in a few simple steps, reports the expert. However, those affected often find it particularly difficult to "separate themselves from cherished objects and habits. But that should not be an argument, "said Feuchtinger.

Respond in good time, minimize risk
In order to minimize the risk of falling, the prescribed medications should also be checked by the doctor to see if they increase the risk of falls. Furthermore, well-adjusted glasses and walking aids can provide security, reports the University Hospital Freiburg. In addition, there is the possibility to specifically exercise balance and strength control in a physiotherapeutic treatment. According to Dr. At the University Medical Center Freiburg, Feuchtinger also ensures that the beds are as low as possible in the case of high-risk patients in order to reduce the risk of possible falls at night. This measure could also be useful at home. "It is crucial that relatives and people affected prevent in good time - and do not become active until it is too late", so the conclusion of the Freiburg expert. (Fp)