Stool transplant instead of antibiotics

Kot of healthy people can cure intestinal diseases
No matter in what way: getting human feces is disgusting. In some cases of illness in which antibiotics fail, the so-called „chair transplant“ but to do wonders.
„Fäkaltherapie“ means now „chair transplant“ - The content remains the same
Transmission of intestinal flora, fecal therapy, stool transplantation, fecal bacterial therapy, stool transplantation: different names for the same method in which a patient is to be treated with the faeces of a healthy person. The German Society for Digestive and Metabolic Diseases states: „Currently one of the most interesting topics in gastroenterology.“ Prof. Peter Galle, Gastroenterologist at the University Hospital explained: „This is still an experimental process“, but although the data are still thin and many questions are open, the approach is promising.
Help with rare dangerous illness
For some time, a corresponding therapy in horses under the name „Transfaunierung“ applied. In the process, a horse suffering from intestinal colic is infused with a broth which has been mixed with the horse apples of a healthy animal. In human medicine, the subject received much attention, as at the beginning of the year, scientists from Amsterdam made a study in the „The New England Journal of Medicine "The study looked at people in whose gut the notorious diarrheal germ Clostridium difficile had spread, causing the intestinal wall to become inflamed by the dangerous bacterium, which is resistant to many antibiotics, and the body becomes Although the disease is relatively rare, as in 2012 in nearly 800 patients in Germany, but also this year 502 people died from such an infection.
Natural bacteria mix
The Dutch study came to a startling conclusion after giving one part of the patients an antibiotic and giving the other to the chair of relatives. Thus, only four out of 13 patients with the antibiotic became healthy. However, 13 out of 16 were cured of the subjects with the chair transfer. Short-term complaints such as belching or abdominal cramping disappeared after just a few hours. The Professional Association of Established Gastroenterologists emphasized: „The procedure is new and has only been tested on a few centers and a few patients.“ So far there were only a few cases in Germany „For example, in Heidelberg and Ulm, Prof. Volkhard Kempf, director of the Institute of Microbiology at the Frankfurt University Hospital, is convinced of „the salutary effect of foreign stool: The useful bacteria contained therein contain the spread of the treacherous germ and their administration leads to the normalization of the intestinal flora. "
The administration of the „chair donation“
„The factor disgust“ Be loud Kempf a problem. „First of all, the idea is not very aesthetic. "Therefore, he understands reservations well „chair donation“, between 100 and 200 grams, diluted with saline to about 50 milliliters. The solution is then introduced either through a colon through the anus into the colon or via a nasogastric tube into the small intestine. According to microbiologist Kempf, much more than the odor nuisance must be worried about diseases that could be transmitted with the feces. Gastroenterologist Galle sees this danger as well: „Chair contains a complex mixture of different bacteria. It's almost impossible to tell which are the good ones and which the bad ones. "
Anonymous material, capsules or do-it-yourself
The US doctor Ciarán Kelly wrote in an editorial by the Amsterdam scientists: „The natural aversion to the Fäkaltherapie "could be reduced, if one would offer the patient anonymous material from donor banks.Microbiologist Willem de Vos of Wageningen University sees the solution rather in administering the beneficial intestinal bacteria as a harmless capsule, However, is a corresponding remedy not yet on the market And for those who do not want to wait for the fecal pill, or see an anonymous stool sample as a solution, there is still the „Do-it-yourself“-Guidance of the Canadian Gastroenterologist Michael Silverman, in the magazine „Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology "describes how one can use one's stool, saline solution, hand mixer, and an in-bag to recolonise his bowel by hand. (Ad)
Image: Sebastian Karkus