Study results Radiotherapy instead of surgery in prostate cancer advised

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor disease. In Germany, prostate cancer kills about three out of every hundred men. Researchers found that radiotherapy for prostate cancer is as effective as surgical removal. However, this type of treatment is only used by a few patients.
Researchers from internationally recognized Oxford University and the University of Bristol found in an investigation that radiotherapy for prostate cancer is comparable in effectiveness to surgical removal of the tumors. However, few men seem to seek out an oncologist for treatment. The physicians published the results of their study now in the journal "New England Journal of Medicine".

Study examines effects of different treatment methods
Prostate cancer is a common malignant tumor disease. In Germany, prostate cancer is the third leading cause of death from cancer. A British study is now investigating the effects of radiotherapy, surgery and monitoring in men with early stage prostate cancer. The physicians found that men who underwent radiotherapy or surgery were less likely to get cancer again than actively monitored patients.
Radiotherapy leads to fewer sexual problems
There is no real difference in quality of life between radiotherapy and surgery. However, after the so-called radiation therapy there are generally fewer sexual problems or urinary problems, say the authors. This could be especially important. Also, because another investigation had already shown that regular sex prevents prostate cancer.
Types of treatments and their effects on our survival
The results of the new study show whether there are differences in the probability of survival and the spread of cancer, which are influenced by the type of treatment used, explain the physicians. To do so, they investigated the effects of active surveillance, radiotherapy and surgery.
Radiotherapy and prostatectomy are about equally effective
A curative radiotherapy helps in the control of prostate cancer as well as a radical prostatectomy (prostate enucleation or prostatectomy). The quality of life of the person affected is comparable, say the scientists.
Patients should seek advice from all experts
The active monitoring of early prostate cancer still plays a very important role in the treatment. Nevertheless, men should also know all of their treatment options for prostate cancer. Those affected should speak with their urologist and a so-called radiation oncologist about their disease, the scientists suggest. Men should take their time for a detailed examination, the experts say. It is important to talk to all medical professionals about the problem and to have different treatment approaches explained. Unfortunately, far too few people with prostate cancer can be informed by a radiation oncologist about a possible treatment, the researchers concluded.
The study examined 82,429 men
The randomized study was conducted by researchers from the Universities of Oxford and Bristol. The physicians studied in nine British centers a total of 82,429 men aged 50 to 69 years. Among the participants were diagnosed with 1,643 localized prostate cancer, say the physicians. The research team examined ten-year mortality rates, cancer progression, and the impact of different treatments. (As)