Studies Who buys organic, like to reward with sweets

Living ecologically and ethically correct
More and more people rely on their diet on organic, organic and Co. In addition, the number of people who live vegan for moral and ethical reasons. And for a majority of the citizens, it has long since become normal to do without plastic bags. But many of these people, who try to live as eco-ethically correct as possible and attach importance to organic products and organic farming, seem to run the risk of eating unhealthy foods while shopping. This conclusion was reached by scientists in the USA.

Rewards for exemplary behavior
For example, professors at Harvard and Duke Business School reported in a working paper on the results they found in a study: According to this, people who make an effort to buy eco-ethically correct are happy to reward themselves for this exemplary behavior This is not reprehensible, but the problem is that these rewards usually contain too much sugar, fat or salt. According to an article in the "Frankfurter Rundschau", the researchers observed: "Anyone who brings their own shopping bag to the supermarket usually also buys lots of organic products and healthy food." This is how the organic shoppers like to spend a packet of biscuits or a bag of chips to reward.
Shopping according to the preferences of the children
In this context, it is also important for whom is purchased. The study showed that childless consumers reward themselves far more often than parents. According to the experts, the reason for this is that parents tend to focus on the preferences of their children when choosing their purchases, and tend to put aside their own wishes. But to conclude from the study results that responsible shopping automatically leads to unhealthy foods would be wrong. All you need is a bit of self-discipline and possibly a shopping list on which you can already make a note in advance of what is really needed. (Ad)