Studies Vitamin D pills usually prevent illnesses

There have been more and more conflicting statements recently about the beneficial effects of taking vitamin D supplements. Researchers have now found that vitamin D supplements do not prevent disease in the majority of people. For this reason, their use for the prevention of diseases should be reconsidered.
Researchers at the University of Auckland in New Zealand found in their study that taking vitamin D supplements does not prevent illness for the majority of consumers. The researchers published the results of their study in the respected medical journal British Medical Journal (BMJ).

Many people take vitamin D supplements in the winter
Vitamin D is naturally produced by sunlight in the skin or absorbed by certain foods. The vitamin is crucial for healthy bones, teeth and muscles. Especially the dark season can quickly lead to vitamin D deficiency. During the winter months, reduced sun exposure causes a lack of vitamin D in many people. Those affected then often take vitamin D supplements to compensate for the reduced sun exposure.
For many people, the intake of vitamin D is pointless
The physicians found in their recent study that taking vitamin D supplements is not really beneficial for most people. "We conclude, given the results, that the use of vitamin D supplements to prevent disease could be pointless for many people," said author Mark Bolland of the University of Auckland.
Vitamin D supplements do not help against fractures
The intake of such supplements does not reduce the risk of falls and the resulting fractures in most people, say the scientists. Perhaps the intake could even have negative consequences.
High-risk groups should take vitamin D supplements
Vitamin D supplementation seems to be beneficial only in people at increased risk, such as old people and dark-skinned people in colder climates, explain the researchers. Such people should not only take supplements in the fall and winter. Instead, they should look for natural ways to meet their vitamin D needs.
Choosing the right foods can balance vitamin D deficiency
If sufferers eat the right foods, that can help maintain a healthy vitamin D level, the physicians explain. These foods include, for example, oily fish, egg yolk, red meat and liver. Eating with these foods could help to avoid taking vitamin D supplements, the authors say. (As)