Studies Lots of sitting promotes fatty liver

Korean researchers have investigated whether prolonged sitting, regardless of activity level, plays a role in the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
To do so, they evaluated the health data of 139,056 Koreans, who averaged 7.6 hours a day. Those who actively exercised had a 20% reduced risk of developing fatty liver disease. Long sitting also proved to be an independent risk factor for NAFLD.

Subjects sitting for five to nine hours a day had a 4% higher NAFLD risk than subjects sitting less than five hours daily. With 10 hours of sedentary activity per day, the risk was 9 percent higher. It also did not help if these people were physically active or the BMI was less than 23 kg / m2.
The authors suggest that the relationship between muscle and fat mass could play a role here. The study can be found here. (Pm)