Studies Tomatoes do not belong in the fridge

When ripe tomatoes are stored in the refrigerator, the aroma suffers. What experts have long been aware of, confirms a recent study by the US Department of Agriculture, published in the journal "HortScience". The scientists had treated fully ripe, red tomatoes in three different ways: 20 fruits each were stored for four days at 5 degrees Celsius and four days at 20 degrees or after four days at room temperature for five minutes in 50 degrees hot water immersed ("blanched "). Subsequently, the scientists determined the flavor profile of the tomatoes.
The investigation has shown that the aroma suffers from blanching and cooling. In particular, the storage in the refrigerator had negative effects, even if you do not look at the fruits. The total concentration of volatile substances decreased by 68 percent in the cold. This mainly affected the so-called C-6 aldehydes. Blanching totaled 63 percent.

Presumably, many people are unaware that tomatoes can tolerate cool temperatures and store them in the refrigerator. "That's a great pity," says Harald Seitz, nutritionist at aid infodienst. "With ripe fruits, 42 different substances ensure that they taste wonderfully aromatic." The aroma of the tomatoes is determined by a complex mixture of volatile substances such as aldehydes, alcohols and ketones. "The tomatoes lose a lot of flavor and correspondingly large is the loss of enjoyment, if they are stored too cool," explains Seitz. It is best to take the vegetables out of the bag after shopping and place them in an airy, shady spot. Ideal temperatures are between 12 to 16 degrees, in vine tomatoes even 15 to 18 degrees Celsius. If the tomatoes are lying on a soft cloth, no pressure points. Within a week, the goods should be consumed, because the effects of light, heat and oxygen reduce both the aroma and the nutrient content. (Heike Kreutz, aid)