Breastfeeding makes you smarter and richer

Study: Breastfeeding makes you smarter and more prosperous
According to a new study, people who have been breastfed as babies are smarter in adulthood and have a higher income. Long-chain saturated fatty acids in particular are held responsible for the positive effects.
Breastfed are smarter than adults
According to a new study, people who have been breastfed as babies are smarter in adulthood and make more money. According to news agency AFP, author Bernardo Lessa Horta of the Brazilian University of Pelotas said: „The effects of breastfeeding on brain development and the intelligence of children are well known.“ However, it has been less clear whether these effects persist into adulthood. However, the new study shows that prolonged breastfeeding increases the intelligence at least until the age of 30 years.
Benefits through longer breastfeeding
„The longer a child was breastfed (up to twelve months), the greater the benefits“, explained Horta. According to the study, a baby who was breastfed as a baby for at least one year averaged four IQ points, 0.9 years more education, and a 341 Brazilian real (98 euro) higher monthly income those who were breastfed for less than a month. The study examined the development of a total of 3,500 newborns over the age of 30 years.
Long-chain saturated fatty acids responsible
As from the study, in the journal „The Lancet“ It has also been published, it goes on to say, that mothers' social background, income and education do not play a role in breastfeeding. „Breastfeeding is not more widespread among highly educated, well-earning women, but equally distributed in society“, said Horta. Above all, long-chain saturated fatty acids, which are important for the development of the brain, are held responsible for the positive effects of breast milk on the intelligence.
Good reasons for breast milk
A large-scale study by British researchers came to similar conclusions a few years ago. The survey, which surveyed over 17,000 people, found that breast milk increases the chances of social advancement. In addition, children who are breastfed would also show less stress symptoms. The scientists had pointed out that polyunsaturated fatty acids (LPCUFA), which are needed in the construction of the brain, play an important role. There are many more reasons for breastfeeding. Various studies in recent years have shown that breastfeeding can also protect against allergies, reduce the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and strengthen the immune system. (Ad)