Studies Sexually transmitted diseases on the rise - vacationers often transmitters

Two studies show that many tourists have sex abroad, unfortunately often without a condom
What do we most like to do when we are on vacation? Sunbathe, relax, swim and let it all go really well. Researchers have now found out that sex is also high on the holiday list. Just traveling alone people are always looking for a sensual adventure abroad. This of course also increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.
Certainly there are some countries in the world known for their so-called sex tourism. People who travel to these regions of the world often do so for a special reason. However, researchers have now found in investigations that many people are basically on vacation in search of acquaintances. Of course, it usually remains not only when getting to know each other and nice conversations. And so does the danger for some communicable diseases. There are two interesting studies on this topic that are currently published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ).Holidays are the best time of the year. When traveling abroad we get to know many interesting people, some also a little closer. Unfortunately many vacationers forget their protection. (Image: Nikolai Sorokin /
9.2 percent of men and 5.3 percent of women had sex on vacation
Holiday flirts are the stuff that many romantic films are made of. What is it like when we go on vacation? Are many people looking for a little adventure during their holidays? Researchers are now analyzing the results of two studies dealing with sexually transmitted diseases. The first study examined 12,530 people. They had participated in the so-called British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyle. The subjects were all between the ages of 16 and 74 years old. All participants reported having had at least one sexual partner in recent years, the researchers say. Out of this group, 9.2 percent of men and 5.3 percent of women said that they had met one or more sexual partners outside of England, explains co-author Clare Tanton. There was a lot of so-called disassortant sexual mingling in this group. That means mingling across nationalities.
72 percent of the men had erotic contact with partners from other countries
A total of 72 percent of the men surveyed said they had not spent their dates abroad with residents of the UK. In the case of female subjects, 58 percent declared the same course of events. Interestingly enough, men were less likely than women to have a partner from the Middle East (2.4 percent for men versus 5.7 percent for women), explain the physicians. The appointments on vacation, of course, was not just about nice conversation or romantic cuddling. The study defined sex as vaginal, oral or anal with someone of the opposite sex. There was also oral, anal (for men), or genital contact (for women) with a same sex person, say the experts
Sociable vacationers were more intoxicated with drugs or alcohol
It was noticeable in the study that people who liked to have erotic fun abroad were also generally more sexually adventurous. Unfortunately, such adventurers did not always use condoms when they had fun abroad. Compared to other travelers, these people rarely use contraceptives for their protection, the researchers say. Not surprisingly, such people were more likely to suffer from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These adventurous subjects were much more intoxicated on their vacation, either through drugs or alcohol, the researchers add.
More information on communicable diseases and protective measures required for vacationers
Sex on vacation and traveling to other countries leads to a very rapid spread of STI around the world. The rate of sexual intermation indicates that populations with low rates of sexually transmitted infections are usually vulnerable to dissemination, say the experts. For example, there are many more cases of chlamydia in the UK than anywhere else in Europe. If holidaymakers from the UK meet someone abroad, the infection could use the vacation acquaintance as a kind of bridge to transfer the infection to its own population. Of course, this is also possible the other way around. Travelers from the UK get infected on holiday and then bring the disease to their own country. Tourists should get more information about communicable diseases and protective measures, if they intend to leave the country, call the medical profession.
Backpackers good target group for safer sex education campaigns
A second study specifically looked at backpackers traveling in Thailand. More than a third of these vacationers without a long-term partner or spouse had on vacation with a new partner vaginal and / or anal intercourse, the researchers say. One third of them admitted that they did not consistently use condoms. The UK and Sweden were the least likely to use condoms to protect themselves. Germans had less insecure sex than Britons and Swedes, but they did not always use a condom. Of course, the results are not generalizable for all travelers, but backpackers seem to be a good target for educational campaigns, the experts add.
Always take condoms with you on vacation
From the data obtained, it can be concluded that about one in ten British men and every twentieth British woman will have sex on their next vacation. British people generally seem very "sociable" with each other and with other nationalities during their holidays. In general, holidaymakers from all over the world should take condoms with them on vacation, the authors advise, because you never know what's going on and it's always better to be prepared for anything. (As)