Studies Mutated gene increases the risk of miscarriage

A miscarriage is an event that scares pregnant women. Researchers have now found that certain women are at increased risk for miscarriage. These women carry a mutated gene in their body that makes a miscarriage more likely.
An international team of scientists found in an investigation that the bodies of some women contain a mutated gene, which leads to the development of miscarriages. This mutated gene is called FOXD1. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Open Biology".

Mutated gene causes miscarriage within the first five weeks
Surely all women are very afraid of miscarriage. Physicians found that certain women have an increased likelihood of miscarriage within the first five weeks of their pregnancy. It seems to be due to a mutated gene that occurs in the body of some women.
Findings could enable more effective diagnoses
The so-called FOXD1 gene in its normal state seems to have a kind of protection quality, say the experts. However, if the gene mutates, it increases the likelihood of miscarriage for expectant mothers. The physicians now hope that the current findings will allow a more effective diagnosis of possible miscarriages. In this way, a better treatment of the affected women can be achieved.
Study analyzes data from 556 women with RSA
The research team analyzed the data of 556 women who were previously affected by so-called recurrent spontaneous abortions (RSA). This term defines when a woman suffers three or more miscarriages at a stretch within the first five weeks of pregnancy, the authors explain. It is estimated that about one in every hundred pregnancies is associated with such a condition. As a control group served 271 women who do not suffer from such problems.
FOXD1 gene could normally have a protective effect
We found that women with FOXD1 mutations have a statistically increased risk of developing RSA, the authors explain. The physicians also found the gene in women from the control group. For this reason, the experts suspect that the gene in the normal state could even have a protective effect.
Gen was first detected in an animal study
The gene was first detected in laboratory mice. In these animals, there was a high level of embryo resorption. During embryo resorption, a fetus of twins dies during pregnancy and is then resorbed by the other twin, explain the physicians. FOXD1 is not the first gene involved in repeated miscarriages. However so far so-called functional proofs for a participation were rare, the scientists explain further.
Nausea and vomiting reduce the likelihood of miscarriage
Another study concluded last month that if pregnant women suffer from morning sickness, it reduces the likelihood of miscarriage. Morning feelings of nausea and vomiting could be associated with a 75 percent reduction in miscarriage, the physicians add. (As)