Studies Healing mental suffering with cuddling

Oxytocin can support the treatment of mental illness
The treatment of mental disorders is often extremely difficult. Here, the so-called cuddly hormone oxytocin could potentially contribute to significant improvements in the therapy in the future. "The hormone could alleviate the symptoms of various mental illnesses and thus help patients with autistic disorders, borderline personality disorder or anxiety disorder", says Professor Dr. med. Dr. med. René Hurlemann from the University Hospital Bonn in a press release for the 61st Congress of Endocrinology in Bonn.
Oxytocin has been shown to play an important role in social and sexual behavior, helping mothers bond with their child, for example. The animal model also shows that the hormone reduces fears, reports Prof. Hurlemann. What is new, however, is the recognition "that oxytocin can be therapeutically useful in social disorders and mental illnesses." For supportive treatment, the hormone is suitable for a wide variety of mental disorders.

Anxiety disorders are particularly prevalent
"Anxiety disorders with stressful physical and psychological symptoms are the most common mental illnesses in Europe", according to the communication of the Association of Scientific Medical Societies e.V. to the upcoming 61st Congress of Endocrinology in Bonn. The treatment is usually with medication and / or cognitive behavioral therapy. But stagnate the number of new drug developments for years, says Professor Hurlemann. The experts here place great hope in the hormone oxytocin. "The hormone could alleviate the symptoms of various mental illnesses," emphasizes Prof. Hurlemann,
Cuddle hormone relieves social stress
From previous studies, researchers say that oxytocin can reduce social stress, increase confidence and social skills, and reduce the response of the amygdala. The latter is responsible for emotions such as fear and anger. Researchers around the world are currently studying more than a hundred studies on how oxytocin works in different mental illnesses and what dose is appropriate. "Your own body produces the hormone as a natural building block. When used as a nasal spray, it can migrate into the brain and act as a fade inhibitor, "says Hurlemann.
Oxytocin only suitable as a supplement to the therapy
According to the expert, "the results on oxytocin and its role in mental illness with impairment of social skills are very exciting." Oxytocin may perhaps complement the treatment of patients with mental disorders. However, it is clear "that the hormone always has to be combined with psychotherapy," adds Professor. med. Matthias M. Weber, spokesman for the German Society for Endocrinology (DGE) and Head of Endocrinology at the University Medical Center of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Thinking the way into the practice
"We already know a lot about individual hormones and their effects on the psyche. The example of oxytocin shows how important research is, which has translational approaches, ie thinking along the path to practice, "concludes DGE congress president Professor dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Schweizer from the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. (Fp)