Studies More than half of the patients do not understand their doctor

According to a recent study, over half of Germans feel overwhelmed by the flood of information on health issues. In particular, people with low education, seniors and migrants are less competent in health issues. The problem is now to be counteracted with the "National Action Plan on Health Literacy".
Many patients do not understand their doctor
Again and again studies show that many patients do not understand their doctor. The health knowledge of the Germans leaves much to be desired. A representative study by the University of Bielefeld has now shown that more than half of the citizens feel overwhelmed by the flood of information on health issues. According to a press release from the university, about 44 percent of Germans have a limited and another ten percent even inadequate health literacy on.

Differentiate research results from promotional offers
According to the information, not only is Germany below the European average, but it is also significantly lower than comparable countries such as the Netherlands or Denmark. The University of Bielefeld, the AOK Federal Association and the Hertie School of Governance want to counteract this with a "National Health Capacity Action Plan". The patron is Federal Minister of Health Hermann Gröhe (CDU). According to a press release from the German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), the minister said: "More than half of the people in Germany are struggling to find their way around the ever-expanding body of health information and make decisions for their own health. This must shake up all health care professionals. The quick access to more and more information on the Internet is an opportunity and a challenge at the same time. For on the Internet, the latest scientific research results are not always easy to distinguish from promotional offers and interest-guided recommendations. "
What is needed is "easy-to-understand health information"
"What is needed is independent, scientifically proven and easily understood health information. Especially the doctor-patient-conversation is crucial to explain the diagnosis and treatment to patients. The more patients know about prevention, clinical pictures and treatment options, the better they can prevent diseases and make informed decisions that support therapy and healing. We now need a joint effort from doctors, health insurance companies, pharmacies, nursing, consumer and self-help associations and authorities to improve health knowledge throughout Germany. All health care professionals must sit down together. The National Action Plan for Health Competency ', for which I very much like to have the patronage, is an important building block for this ", Gröhe continued. The politician had made years ago for an improvement in this area strong and among other things demanded that physicians in dealing with patients must be better trained.
Germany scores badly in European comparison
"Health literacy" means finding, understanding and implementing health information. The University of Bielefeld has interviewed 2,000 people over the age of 15 from the Ipsos research institute for the first representative study on the health literacy of the German population. The basis was the internationally tested questionnaire "Health Literacy Questionaire Europe". It is said that two outcomes stand out: over half of Germans seem to have difficulty understanding and processing health-related information. This applies in particular to so-called vulnerable groups, ie people with a migrant background, a low level of education or a high age. The limitations and uncertainties in dealing with health information are particularly pronounced here. The bad performance of Germany compared to other European countries is also striking. According to the information, the same survey in the Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland or Poland has shown significantly higher levels of competence. In a European comparison, Germany scores below average.
Strategy for strengthening health literacy
Study Director Professor Dr. med. Doris Schaeffer from the University of Bielefeld considers the results to be questionable: "In recent years, a great deal has been initiated to improve public health information. But the results show that that is far from enough. We need to rethink the way information is processed, prepared and disseminated. "The expert announced that she would work with a group of recognized professionals over the next two years to develop a comprehensive and coordinated strategy to strengthen health literacy. "We need a coordinated action plan, just a National Action Plan, which sets concrete impulses for action and reaches not only the health sector, but also the education sector and research."
Information and assured knowledge for a healthy lifestyle
Martin Litsch, chairman of the AOK-Bundesverband said: "For a healthy lifestyle you need information and reliable knowledge today. What influence do diet and exercise have on my body? What can I do to stay fit? But also the fine print on the food packaging, which creates healthy for the decision or not only rarely transparency. All this can help with Internet browsing when things are going well. But the study shows that it causes a lot more confusion and a queasy feeling, which is often ergoogelt. "This mistrust was also justified, behind many websites on health issues stuck pharmaceutical companies. Also, the offer of some nonsensical "individual health services" in medical practices is a problem. Litsch announced to further expand the AOK fact boxes. This new information format communicates available medical knowledge in an understandable, compact way and strengthens the orientation in the sea of information through its compass function. The AOK will publish this year a number of other fact boxes, such as on the subject of dietary supplements or hypertension. (Ad)