Studies Potatoes can increase the risk of gestational diabetes

For many Germans, potatoes are a decent hot meal. However, pregnant women should be careful with the good-tasting tubers. American scientists from the National Institutes of Health have now found that pregnant women may be at increased risk of diabetes if they eat many potatoes during their pregnancy.
In pregnancy, mothers should be careful with the consumption of potatoes. The current study found that pregnant women are at an increased risk of developing diabetes if they often consume potatoes. The results of their study published the American doctors in the "British Medical Journal" (BMJ).

Potato consumption during pregnancy increases diabetes risk
The potato is probably one of the most important foods in the world. Many people consume potatoes several times a week. There are countless ways to process potatoes. Whether mashed, fried, baked or cooked - potatoes are always a tasty meal. However, pregnant women should be careful with the so-called earth apple, now warned experts from America. A recent study found that regular consumption of potatoes increases the risk of diabetes in pregnant women. If pregnant women eat potatoes two to four times a week, their risk of developing diabetes increases by up to 27 percent, the doctors said. Potatoes contain a lot of starch, which can cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels.
Negative effects of potatoes in pregnancy
For their study, the researchers studied and observed more than 21,000 pregnancies. The experts analyzed the total potato consumption of the subjects. The result of the current study, a high potato consumption associated with an increased risk of diabetes, said the American physician. Even if pregnant women only eat one serving of potatoes a week, their risk of developing diabetes increases by about twenty percent compared to women who do not eat potato meals. If women eat five servings of potatoes in one week, the risk of diabetes increases by as much as 50 percent according to the scientists. Pregnant women should simply replace two servings of potatoes with vegetables, legumes and whole grains, researchers said. Potatoes are rich in vitamin C, potassium and fiber, but they also contain large amounts of rapidly absorbable starch, the experts added. This could have negative effects on our glucose metabolism. High potato consumption has been associated with insulin resistance and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in previous studies.
Healthy and active lifestyle protects against gestational diabetes
Pregnancy creates additional requirements for the female body. Some women develop diabetes at this time. The so-called gestational diabetes usually disappears after the birth of the child. However, the disease can cause long-term health risks for the mother and her child. Gestational diabetes can be treated with diet and exercise, but some women need medication to keep their blood sugar levels under control. Women with gestational diabetes may develop pre-eclampsia and hypertension during pregnancy, warned Cuilin Zhang, the lead author of the study from the National Institutes of Health. This could have a negative effect on the fetus, and in the long term, the mother could develop a high risk for type 2 diabetes.
Although the consumption of pre-pregnancy potatoes can not be directly linked to an increased risk of gestational diabetes, there are signs of a relationship, said British physician Dr. med. Emily Burns from "Diabetes UK". Women should generally reduce their risk of gestational diabetes by paying attention to their weight, living an active life and eating a healthy and balanced diet, the physician added. (As)