Studies Can Drinking Occasional Beer Keep Your Heart and Brain in Shape?

Study results: Beer is good for your health
Excessive alcohol consumption is unhealthy. However, if you treat yourself to a beer from time to time, you are obviously doing something good for your health: as researchers have found in a study, the moderate consumption of beer with its various ingredients brings health benefits to the heart and brain.
High alcohol consumption makes you sick
Beer is high on the list of favorite German drinks. Too much should not be drunk. After all, a high consumption not only promotes the development of a beer belly, but can in principle damage any organ of the human body. However, there is also evidence that the popular barley juice may be beneficial to health. Especially for the heart and the brain, as a study showed.

Moderate drinking can promote good health
Most people are aware that regular alcohol consumption is not healthy. Among the most well-known alcohol-related diseases include liver disease, cardiovascular problems, cancer and long-term mental disorders.
In addition, the fattening alcohol is often underestimated. In small quantities, however, alcoholic drinks can apparently also serve health.
For example, British scientists in a study found that moderate drinking (such as one a day) can reduce the risk of severe heart disease.
Beer contains more protein and B vitamins than wine
And, according to another study published years ago in the journal "The American Journal of Medical Sciences," beer contains components that serve not only heart but also brain health.
"From a nutritional point of view, beer contains more protein and B vitamins than wine," the authors wrote.
"The content of antioxidants in beer is similar to that of wine, but the specific antioxidants are different in that barley and hops used in the production of beer contain flavonoids that are different from those of grapes used in wine production become."
Already in earlier scientific investigations the positive effect of flavonoids on the human brain could be proven.
Important polyphenols
The authors of the study pointed out in the "The American Journal of the Medical Sciences" that the benefits of moderate alcohol consumption are not universally supported by physicians, as it is feared that this could lead to excessive drinking.
But medical professionals should be "aware of the growing evidence that supports the nutritional benefits of moderate drinking as part of a healthy lifestyle".
The nutritionist Sisi Yip from Hong Kong is also convinced of the health benefits of beer.
She told the South China Morning Post, "Beer contains traces of minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium, fluoride and silicon."
And: "Beer also contains a number of polyphenols such as flavonoids and phenolic acids".
As stated in the article published on 3 August, the International Beer Day, polyphenols are compounds found in almost all plants.
Yip points out that research has shown that polyphenols can lower the risk of atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes and heart disease because of their anti-inflammatory effect.
According to the nutritionist, non-alcoholic beers have the same health benefits.
Do not drink too much
However, since too much alcohol is associated with a variety of diseases such as high blood pressure and liver disease, should not be over-drunk.
According to Yip, the best way to count his drinks is weekly.
"Men and women are advised to drink no more than 14 units a week on a regular basis," says the scientist.
As explained in an article in the British Daily Mail newspaper, this quantity is equivalent to six 175-ml glasses of wine, six large glasses of beer or fourteen 25-ml glasses of spirits.
However, health experts point out that this maximum amount per week may not be consumed all at once, but over several days.
Beer can make you happy
In the "South China Morning Post" another advantage of beer is discussed: The newspaper refers to German research results published in the online journal "Scientific Reports".
These have shown that beer can make you happier when consumed in moderation.
According to the information, the good feeling is triggered by the ingredient Hordenin. Its effect is similar to that of dopamine, a neurotransmitter important for brain health. (Ad)