Studies More and more people are doping in the workplace

Power pressure, stress and overload as a trigger for brain doping
More and more people use doping in the workplace. As the health insurance DAK reports, had already been in an extrapolation alone in Rhineland-Palatinate 243,000 people to once performance-enhancing or mood-enhancing drugs. Approximately 33,000 Rhineland-Palatinate would even take these regularly, triggered above all by high pressure, stress and overload.
Current numbers are an alarm signal
Doping in the workplace is increasing significantly. This is the conclusion of the current DAK Health Report 2015 „Update: Doping in the workplace“. For this, the health insurance had evaluated drug data and questioned nationwide 5000 professionals between 20 and 50 years. According to the study, almost three million Germans would have taken prescription medicines to reduce stress or improve their performance in the workplace. „Although doping in the job is not yet a mass phenomenon, the current numbers are an alarm signal. Ensuring that employees remain healthy in the long term, even when there is pressure to perform, requires education and advice on the subject“, said Frank Meiners, psychologist at DAK health, in a press release from the box office.
High risk, especially with insecure work and simple activities
Contrary to popular belief, however, top managers or creatives would not be the so-called first „brain doping“ to increase their performance. Instead, the risk is greater, „the less secure the workplace and the simpler the work itself“ would be, so the DAK on. According to a projection of the cash register presented in Mainz on Wednesday, 243,000 people in Rhineland-Palatinate alone would already have taken medication to increase their performance or improve their mood, reports the news agency „dpa“. Some 33,000 sufferers even swallow it regularly, with high pressure, stress and overwork being the most common causes of consumption. Here men would rather resort to performance-enhancing means, women, however, rather mood blessing, reports the dpa on. (No)