Studies Hartz IV sufferers die earlier

Zurich Life Insurance found out: poor people die earlier. Men with a good income live about eleven years longer than low-paid people; in women, the difference is eight years.
Although life expectancy continues to increase overall, the lifetime is very unevenly distributed. According to the study, poor people live so short that, according to the world, "a flat-rate extension of the retirement age is hardly possible".

Men at the poverty line in Germany are on average 70.1 years old, women just under 77, rich men 81 and women 85. At risk of poverty are people with less than 60% of average income than those with more than 150 %.
What does that mean for the pension??
If the pension was raised to 71 years, poor men would have no pension in their lives, poor women only a short time, while rich people would live ten years or more as pensioners.
The duration of the pension for the poor would thus be the shortest since the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany. Already in the 1960s, men received an average of 9.9 years pension and women eleven years. Today, men receive an average pension of 19.3 years and women 21.4 years. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)