Studies Fruits and nuts can promote bacterial infections of the heart

An increased consumption of certain foods can increase the concentration of manganese in the human body to such an extent that it causes a dangerous infection of the heart in those affected. Manganese is a mineral that is found especially in green vegetables, fruits and nuts. So in the future we should avoid the consumption of such supposedly healthy foods?
Researchers at Vanderbilt University have found in their recent research that mineral manganese found in vegetables, fruits and nuts can lead to a dangerous infection of the heart by a bacterium called Staphylococcus aureus. The scientists published the results of their study in the journal "Cell Host and Microbe".

So far, the assumption was that vegetables, fruits and fruits are healthy for the body
Many people often eat green vegetables, fruits and nuts because they are convinced of their health benefits to the body. Surely many of us still have the words of their parents in their heads, which advise us to eat our vegetables, because vegetables are healthy for the body. However, according to the latest findings from Vanderbilt University, this advice could lead to infection of the heart by a harmful bacterium.
Staphylococcus aureus is the second most common cause of bloodstream infection
The manganese in green vegetables, fruits and fruits can cause the human heart to develop a dangerous bacterial infection. The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (staphylococcus) is the leading cause of bacterial endocarditis (heart chamber infection and heart valves) and the second leading cause of circulatory infection.
Manganese inactivates defense against pathogens
In the study, mice were given an increased amount of manganese. The mice took about three times more manganese than it would have been normal, say the experts. The effects of such manganese uptake had serious effects on the mice in the experiment. Most of the experimental animals died after infection with the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. The researchers found that excess manganese inactivates a key line of defense against pathogens.
The effects of overdose of manganese
It is very noticeable that a certain dietary change can inactivate one of the most powerful branches of the innate immune system and lead to a fatal infection, explains author Professor Eric Skaar of Vanderbilt University in the USA. The human body actually performs the task of regulating nutrient levels very well. The so-called traditional western diet provides the body with a high level of minerals available. The effects of overdosage on nutrients therefore need to be further explored and taken into account in nutrition, scientists say.
Neurotoxicity and reduction of the intelligence quotient in children
There have been other studies that have shown that excessive environmental exposure to manganese can lead to neurotoxicity and a lower IQ in children. Manganese plays an important role in the growth and development of the brain, explain the experts. It is also used in the production of steel, alloys, batteries and fertilizers.
Why are kids so sensitive to manganese??
The results of the older studies showed that an increased concentration of manganese in hair samples was significantly associated with the decline in intelligence quotient, processing speed of the brain, and poorer memory. According to scientists, children may be particularly vulnerable to the neurotoxic effects of exposure to manganese from our environment because their brain is undergoing a dynamic process of growth and development. (As)