Study on old natural remedies Relieves cupping muscle aches?

Cupping is a traditional therapy method in which cupping glasses stimulate the circulation of the skin and stimulate the nerve endings. Now we want to investigate the influence of this natural healing method on the muscle fascia tension.
Influence of cupping on muscle fascia tension
Cupping (English "Cupping") is an ancient method of therapy, which dates back to the 3300 BC. Goes back. It has been widely used in India, Egypt and Greece. Also in Chinese medicine, the cupping process established itself. The method is probably the most well-known diversion method that can help against numerous complaints. The University Center of Natural Medicine at the University Hospital Freiburg is now looking for subjects for a study on the influence of cupping on the muscle fascia tension.

Relaxation of the muscle fibers
"Cupping is a traditional therapy method in which the skin circulation is stimulated with the help of cupping glasses and nerve endings are specifically stimulated," the clinic explains in a statement.
"The purpose of this suction massage is to relax the underlying muscle fibers and the surrounding muscle fascia," it continues. In a study the influence of cupping with cupping glasses on muscle fiber tension will be investigated. According to the information, a novel device is used, with which the muscle fascia tension can be objectively measured without any side effects.
Scientists believe that cupping reduces muscle tension and can alleviate pain. The study is looking for patients who have been suffering from cervical or lumbar spine problems for more than three months.
Together with other forms of therapy
The areas of application of the cupping are manifold. The method is used among other things in lumbago or tension or in hypertension, stomach problems and many other complaints. Cupping is usually not used alone, but with other forms of therapy.
Evidence of effectiveness
Although it is often criticized that there is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of the method, in various studies cupping has been credited with positive effects. Berlin researchers reported several years ago that cupping can relieve knee pain. And according to a review of 135 studies on cupping, the therapy could have a positive effect on some diseases, such as herpes zoster. (Ad)