Study shows contraceptive pill affects the olfactory performance

Scientific research has shown that birth control pills not only prevent pregnancy, but also affect the female body in other ways. Austrian researchers have now found that the contraceptive also has an influence on the olfactory performance.
Birth control pills not only prevent pregnancies
The contraceptive pills, together with condoms, are among the most popular contraceptives for Germans. But the drug has never had the best reputation. Especially due to numerous side effects, it always comes back into the criticism. For some women, birth control pills can be dangerous. According to experts, threats include a high thrombosis risk. But the contraceptive has much more impact on the body. One study has now found that it also affects the olfactory performance.

Influence on memory and sensory competences
Women who use contraceptive pills take various sex hormones with the drug, which in their composition and dosage suppress ovulation and thus prevent pregnancy.
Such preparations also have a demonstrable influence on memory, verbal and sensory competences. A study by the Karl Franzens University of Graz and the Medical University of Vienna has now shown that the pill also affects the ability to smell.
Effects on the olfactory performance
"The concentration of the sex hormone oestradiol and the duration of use are essential criteria," said Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Veronika Schöpf from the Institute of Psychology of the University of Graz in a statement from the university.
"At higher estradiol content the olfactory performance became worse. At low concentration, women were better able to perceive the odors. This effect was especially evident after a longer period of use ", Schöpf explained.
No reason to worry
For the study, the results of which were published in the journal "PLOS ONE", the scientists tested 42 women who had taken hormone preparations with different estradiol concentrations between one year and 15 years.
"The participants, who decided to take a pill with low estradiol concentration over a longer period of time, could smell better than the subjects with a pill with higher estradiol concentration," said Schöpf.
She pointed out, however, that there is no reason to worry about her health: "The changes are not noticeable to the women themselves, nor are they in an area that affects the sensory experience."
The conclusion of the researcher is however: "If women who take the pill to participate as a subject in scientific studies, this starting position should be considered in advance."
A sense of smell also plays a role in choosing mates
The human sense of smell is crucial not only for personal well-being, but also for the general quality of life, for example for experiencing enjoyment. In addition, the olfactory cells also warn us against spoiled foods, for example.
Even when choosing a partner, the sense of smell plays an essential role. "Without the influence of hormonal contraceptives, we usually seek out partners with a complementary immune system, because the biological partner should ideally complement our immune system. So we choose our counterpart also with the nose, "said Schöpf.
The influence of such drugs on the partnership was also shown in a study in the US. Years ago, Florida State University researchers found that the pill affected the partner's attractiveness. (Ad)