Study scientists distinguish 17 different body types

Study on civilization diseases: body shapes play an essential role
For years, researchers in Leipzig have investigated the extent of civilization diseases. Some body types are at a higher risk for certain diseases. The scientists distinguish not only in the well-known apple and pear shape, but in a total of 17 different body shapes.
On the trail of common diseases
In 2010, scientists from the interdisciplinary research network LIFE (Leipzig Interdisciplinary Research Complex on the molecular causes of environmental and lifestyle-related diseases) launched a long-term project to investigate common diseases such as obesity and diabetes. While they were on the trail of the common diseases for years, they discovered, among other things, that the previously common division into pear or apple shape is not enough. The scientists divided the study participants into a total of 17 different body shapes.

Division into apple and pear shape is not enough
It has long been known that men form fat deposits, especially in the abdominal area, and thus tend to count towards the distribution type apple, while women are more likely to show a pear-shaped distribution pattern and accordingly attach more fat to the thighs and buttocks. But there are not only exceptions, but also other categorizations, such as the so-called chillies: enviable people who never seem to put a gram of fat. In a recent article the "Welt" reports online about the project of the Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases, in which a total of 10,000 people from the Leipzig region - among other things with regard to their body shape - were examined.
With the 3D Bodyscan technique, LIFE has used a new method to capture body shape and fat distribution. "It's not enough to just differentiate people from the apple and pear shape," said Henry Löffler-Wirth, who evaluated the data. "Altogether we were able to differentiate 17 different body forms with our Leipziger participants."
Where people put on fat
Eight of the 17 forms describe overweight people with a body mass index above 25. The different forms were divided into male, female and four other categories. As Löffler-Wirth explained, the non-gender forms are two androgynous patterns and two where the overweight is so great that man and woman are indistinguishable. In particular, it is crucial, where exactly people put on fat. "Some attach especially to the stomach, others have the pad in the butt. But there are some that have extra thick arms and no neck, "says the scientist. Although it is possible to give names to the different forms that indicate the distinctive feature, it says: "First of all, it is difficult to always pinpoint this very well and secondly it would be much too simplistic. There are always several factors involved. "
Early signs of certain diseases
It will be followed by various investigations. So the researchers are interested in the relationships between the body shape and factors such as movement data, dietary habits, social status or hormone status of the subjects. "One of our doctoral students would like to investigate the connections there are," said Löffler-Wirth: Is obesity (adiposity) influenced by certain hormones - or is it the other way around? With the new classification, the scientists hope to recognize the early signs of certain diseases and to be able to better estimate risk factors. The explanation of genetic mechanisms is crucial for this.
As part of the project, extensive genetic analyzes have been carried out in recent years. Six new genetic variants were discovered, which apparently influence the energy metabolism. "This opens perspectives therapeutic approaches for the treatment of metabolic-associated diseases such as obesity, diabetes or heart disease," said Markus Scholz, Professor of genetic statistics.
Women speak lower than expected
The researchers were interested in their investigations but not only for the different body shapes. Over the years, the Leipzig scientists had repeatedly published interim reports of their study. So, in the year before last, they pointed out that there are more and more mental health problems and depression in children. Also to the voice of the people new knowledge was gained. Thus, the scientists have found that women speak more deeply than previously thought. "In the literature so far it has been shown that women speak about an octave higher than men," explained Christoph Engel from the Leipzig Institute for Medical Informatics and Statistics.
But as the evaluation of the data of 2,500 subjects showed, women use their voice much more deeply: "Instead of an entire octave, the female voice is only about a fifth - that is half of the value - above the male voice," said Prof. Dr. med. Michael Fuchs according to a message from the University of Leipzig. "This is the first time that we have been able to determine the normative values of votes in such a large group worldwide," said Engel. However, it still has to be investigated whether women deliberately lower their voice or whether there are hormonal causes. According to the scientists, the values are in any case important parameters for the clinical evaluation of voice disorders. The LIFE study, which ended at the end of 2014, will form the basis for further studies starting in autumn 2016. (Ad)