Study How does yoga work against depression?

The positive effects of yoga exercises on health have been widely studied, with particular emphasis on stress reduction and cardiovascular activity. Also, some studies have shown evidence of a positive effect in patients with depression, but so far lack of scientifically reliable findings. At the Frankfurt University Hospital, a comprehensive study will now investigate the effect of yoga on depression.
For the complementary treatment of depression, yoga courses are already being offered at the Frankfurt University Hospital today, as physical effects as well as positive effects on the state of mind are expected. Now, the Frankfurt doctors want to clarify whether the exercises actually help with clinical depression. For their study, the researchers of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy at the University Hospital Frankfurt are still looking for participants, "currently suffering at least from a slight depression and more than once in their lives have undergone a depressive episode." The corresponding diagnosis must be "recurrent Depression ".

Four million people with depression in Germany
In Germany, according to the University Hospital, about four million people suffer from depression and "to treat them, mostly psychotherapy and psychotropic drugs are used." Here, however, alternative treatment options are often a good complement to the therapy and movement therapies were already confirmed positive effects scientifically become. The scientists at the Frankfurt University Hospital now want to pursue the question of "whether and how depressive people can benefit from yoga and how it affects both physically and mentally the disease."
Relaxation and activation
The special combination of exercise, breathing and mindfulness exercises, which is offered as Ashtanga Yoga in the Frankfurt University Hospital, should simultaneously activate and relax, according to the experts. The Ashtanga yoga practice consists of a set series of postures, which are connected by breath-synchronous movement sequences. Patients with depression can train them step by step at their own pace and under the guidance of trained yoga teachers. Over a period of three months, the course will be conducted twice a week and "active and regular participation is a prerequisite for the hoped-for effects: reducing stress and improving endurance, breathing, strength and flexibility," according to the University Hospital's report.
Goal: Better overall understanding of how yoga works
The yoga classes form the basis of the scientific study, with tests of the participants planned at different times during which blood and saliva samples are taken and different psychological parameters are queried, reports the University Hospital Frankfurt. Prior to the beginning of the course, a medical exam is planned to ensure that the subjects meet the physical requirements for active participation. With the data obtained, the scientists hope to contribute to the "improved and more comprehensive understanding of the effect of yoga on the symptoms of depression" and to create the "basis for the optimal use of yoga in a clinical setting". (Fp)