Study Frankincense resin can inhibit inflammation

Naturopathic Medicine Frankincense: The University of Jena investigated anti-inflammatory effects
Researchers at the University of Jena are currently investigating the healing properties of frankincense. The natural resource has always been used, especially in the Catholic Church, for religious ceremonies. According to the scientists, the effective ingredients of the frankincense tree in atopic dermatitis, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis could soon be used in conventional medicine.
The three wise men from the East gave the Christ Child with myrrh, gold and frankincense. The resin of the incense tree has always been used for religious celebrations. A team of scientists at the University of Jena has now studied the anti-inflammatory properties of boswellic acids contained in the frankincense tree. This is how Prof. Dr. Oliver Werz from the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany, said that the "resin obtained from the stem of the frankincense tree contains anti-inflammatory substances." The substances could in future help with chronic diseases such as asthma, atopic dermatitis or rheumatoid arthritis, of which the Chair of Pharmaceutical and Medical Chemistry is convinced according to the latest study results.
Frankincense: over three thousand years old remedy
Medicine and religion were closely intertwined in antiquity. Even today, linguistic connections can be found. "If something heals, it is holy." Already about three to four thousand years ago, the ancient Egyptians use incense to improve the aroma of the room, for healing ointments against inflammation and for the treatment of wounds. Hippocrates and other Greek and Roman physicians used frankincense mainly for the treatment of wounds, respiratory diseases and abdominal pain. Although the scholars did not know exactly how the effects are, but the therapeutic success of the expensive natural medicine remedy survived until the late Middle Ages and was also used by the nature healer and nun Hildegard von Bingen.
In the natural healing topical, forgotten in the conventional medicine
With modern medicine and the development of antibiotic drugs incense has been increasingly forgotten. In modern natural medicine, frankincense is one of the most valuable herbal remedies for dissolving pain and blockages. In traditional medicine (TCM) incense is usually prescribed in combination with other medicinal herbs.
To date, the waving mechanisms are largely unexplored, which is why patients looking for funds with frankincense in pharmacies in vain. "Although incense resin has been used for thousands of years in, for example, Ayurvedic medicine, the clinical trials that have been carried out so far are not enough for approval in Germany and Europe," explains Prof. Werz. To change that in perspective, the researchers have studied the mechanisms of action of frankincense in more detail.
As part of a research project, Professor Werz and colleagues have deciphered the impact. In the course of a study, they were able to demonstrate how the responsible ingredients, boswellic acids, intervene in the inflammatory process. "Boswellic acids interact with various proteins involved in inflammatory reactions. In particular, however, with an enzyme that is responsible for the synthesis of prostaglandin E2, "says Werz. Prostaglandin E2 is a mediator of the immune response and among other things in inflammation for the development of pain and fever jointly responsible. Boswellic acids inhibit this enzyme and can thus reduce the inflammatory response, as the researchers explained.
Therapeutic approach to inflammation
Based on this insight, a therapeutic approach for inflammatory diseases could develop in the future. Boswellic acids are expected to provoke far fewer side effects than conventional medicines such as diclofenac or indomethacin currently on the drug market. In addition, the drugs can act less specific. With longer therapy times, the risk of developing gastric ulcers and renal dysfunction increases considerably.
Over ten different types of frankincense
More than ten different types of frankincense have been known to biologists worldwide. The incense tree "Boswellia serrata" cultivated in North and Central India is also widely used. In the course of the study work, the scientists also compared the incense resin of different species to investigate the inhibitory effects of inflammation.
The incense species "Boswellia papyrifera" achieved good results during the study. The species was ten times more potent than others. "As we have now seen, the resin of Boswellia papyrifera is ten times more effective," explained Werz. This frankincense is predominantly native to North and East Africa, such as Ethiopia or Somalia, and to the Arabian Peninsula, such as Yemen or Oman.
Clinical studies must confirm results
It is unclear whether the naturopathy agent can prevail as a medicine in a timely manner. For this purpose, clinical studies are necessary to confirm the healing effects. However, such reviews are planned. A synthetic production seems almost impossible at the present time. Finally, boswellic acids "occur exclusively in the resin of the frankincense tree". Thus, the frankincense trees are a unique resource for the active ingredient.
The pharmacologist pointed out that the trees are threatened worldwide in their existence. In many parts of the world, frankincense trees are "simply used as firewood". If there is no sustainable protection, the plants are threatened with extinction. That would mean that "promising medicines will be lost to medicine," Werz warned. (Sb)