Study Why pregnant women are crazy about certain foods

Pregnant women often crave salty snacks such as chips or pretzels. However, this is completely normal and no cause for alarm. Scientists uncovered what foods the body needs during pregnancy. To do this, they looked at the changes in the brain that occur when women expect a child. On fruit flies they revealed that they crave intensified salt during pregnancy. This desire is important for her reproductive abilities.
Dr. Carlos Ribeiro from the Champalimaud Center in Porutgal told the British Telegraph that nutrition is an extremely complex topic. To understand how the brain regulates food intake, the researchers used the fruit fly as a model organism. It was examined how the eating behavior of the fly changes after mating. Mammals are known to increase their preference for salt during pregnancy. In fruit flies it was not yet clear if they share this behavior.

Salt has a direct effect on the reproductive system
The team from the Champalimaud Center discovered that salt is good for the pregnant women's reproductive system. More salt in the diet leads to higher production of offspring for flies. Opposite the "Telegraph" Dr. Carlos Ribeiro: "We found that there is a direct link between the amount of salt and the number of eggs laid." Increased intake of salt results in the fruit fly being able to produce more eggs. It becomes clear that salt is extremely important for all living beings. Be it flies, elephants or humans.
Molecule reason for change in food intake
The researchers revealed why there is a change in food intake from pregnant animals. It has been found that male flies inject a special molecule into female flies. This molecule causes a manipulation of taste perception. It is crucial for the salt preference. So pregnant women should not worry if they suddenly develop an increased craving for salt. It is quite possible that this increased salt intake could be healthy. (As)