Study distorted? Does a big butt make you healthier and smarter?

As in previous years, an older study is reported, which allegedly shows that women with a thick butt would be healthier and smarter. But the results of the study are distorted.
Distorted study results
Although a large buttocks are considered to be particularly attractive in some cultures, most women in Western countries try - often in vain - to do something about the unwanted shape of their hind quarters. Messages such as "A fat butt makes you smarter" or "A big butt is good for your health" often have a balmy effect on your soul: the curves have a positive effect. However, such allegations refer to a study that has been distorted for years.

Women with thick butt should be healthier and smarter
In various media reports in recent years, it has repeatedly been claimed that a study by the University of Oxford in the UK came to the conclusion that women with big buttocks and some bacon on the thighs and hips are healthier.
Accordingly, the extra fat layer on the so-called problem areas reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes. This is justified by the fact that in the fat cells at the butt hormones are produced with appropriate protective effect.
In addition, women are with a big butt smarter, as citing said scientists is also reported in the "Cosmopolitan".
Study was already published in 2010
On the website "", which deals with legends and internet rumors, it is pointed out, however, that the coverage of the scientific work is "heavily distorted".
According to reports, the various media have for years been referring to the study "Gluteofemoral Body Fat as a Determinant of Metabolic Health", which was published in 2010 in the journal "International Journal of Obesity".
Pear type versus apple type
The researchers from the University of Oxford had then in a review - not in a study, as stressed by "" - found that a gluteofemoral fat distribution (thigh and buttocks) - also known as "pear type" - less health risks as the abdominal fat distribution ("apple type") brings.
This has also been shown in studies before and after. As well as that a high body fat percentage is generally associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and heart attack and diabetes.
However, according to, the International Journal of Obesity has definitely not found that women with big buttocks are "healthier" or "smarter" than other women. (Ad)