Study Tai Chi helps with tumor-associated fatigue

Tai chi is a remedy for lead fatigue caused by cancer
A meta-analysis has now confirmed that tai chi exercise over 8 weeks in tumor-associated fatigue significantly contributes to symptom relief.

Around 30-40% of all cancer patients suffer from tumor-associated fatigue. It occurs during and after treatment and can persist for years. Fatigue is characterized by feelings of fatigue, fatigue and lack of energy and often leads to significant performance losses. Of those affected, fatigue is often considered worse than pain, sleep disorders, loss of appetite or nausea.
Tumor-associated fatigue is most successfully treated through physical activity and psychological support.
Now scientists have confirmed that Tai Chi can also improve the fatigue symptoms of cancer patients. They evaluated six randomized controlled trials in 373 patients for their meta-analysis, which showed the effect of regular tai-chi practice on tumor-associated fatigue compared to a standard treatment and the like. a. was checked with other sports activities.
The studies used proven detection tools at the beginning and end of the studies.
Tai Chi interventions lasting more than 8 weeks were clearly superior to standard applications. However, it is still unclear what impact a long-term influence has.
Subgroup analyzes showed clear alleviative effects in patients with breast and lung cancer. This was not true for prostate cancer.