Study suicide risk of children increases sharply by antidepressants

Depression is a common disease today. The consequences of the disease can be dramatic, and even drive those affected into suicide. Actually, medications should help treat depression. However, a recent study has shown that users may be at higher risk of committing suicide.
Prescribing medicines for depression in depression could have terrible consequences for current study results. If adolescents are prescribed an antidepressant, they may be at higher risk for suicide and aggressive behavior, Danish researchers said based on a recent study. The researchers have published the results of the study in the journal British Medical Journal (BMJ).

Large study of about 18,500 patients warns against antidepressants for children
Children and adolescents double the risk of aggression and suicide when they take selective serotonin and serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors for depression, say the experts. Children, adolescents and young adults should therefore only use antidepressants in small quantities. The study found no significant association between antidepressants and suicide or aggression in adults, but in children and adolescents the risk doubled, according to the physicians. However, there are not enough patient data from clinical trials to assess the true danger and the associated serious damage, the Danish scientists warn. Her study examined reports from over 70 research papers involving 18,526 patients.
Exercise or psychotherapy often makes more sense in children with depression
We suggest minimizing the use of antidepressants in children, which can cause serious harm to juveniles and young adults with these drugs, the authors write. Alternative treatments such as exercise or psychotherapy could have some benefit and should therefore be taken into account more, add the physicians. There must also be stricter rules for prescribing the medication. Only specialized psychiatrists for children and adolescents should prescribe antidepressants to adolescents. The findings of the study will hopefully bring physicians, parents and young people to think more accurately and critically about the names of antidepressants, emphasizes Shirley Reynolds, professor of evidence-based psychological therapies at the University of Reading..
If alternative treatments do not work, antidepressants can be used
But does the results mean that children and adolescents should never be prescribed antidepressants? No, say the researchers. But there are alternative treatments and all young people should be offered evidence-based psychological treatment, explains Prof. Reynolds. However, antidepressants should be available if a young person does not respond to psychological treatment or refuse such treatment. The combination of treatment with antidepressants and psychological treatment could lead to better results. For this reason, a rapid reduction in symptoms is usually observed, says the doctor. However, prescribing antidepressants to children and adolescents should be carefully and regularly monitored to avoid serious problems.