Health News
Study risk of death drops by a lot of walking

Lack of exercise is one of the highest risk factors for our health. A recent study shows that the mortality risk can be reduced by simply walking. The more steps a day the subjects did, the longer their survival time.
Lower the risk of death by walking. Image: Syda Productions - fotolia

According to the Studeina tutors, someone who increases his pace from 1,000 steps per day to 10,000 can reduce his mortality risk by 46%. If he completes 3000 steps a day and does it five days a week, he reduces his risk by as much as 12%.
For the study, 3000 Australians were observed over 15 years. Each participant, with an average age of 59 years, was equipped with a pedometer. The results are completely independent of factors such as smoking or the body mass index. The study can be found here. (Pm)