Study Worse grades for fat kids

Overweight children are rated worse
School grades regularly lead to discussions. A social study based on data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the Microcensus found that overweight children in elementary school are less likely to bring good grades home than their leaner classmates. The results of the study will be published in October in the magazine „Journal of Sociology“ released.
BMI also takes part in the grading process
As the Spiegel reports in advance, the likelihood that older children get a one or two grades in mathematics is up to ten percent lower than other students. Why this is so, could not be clarified.
The two authors Stefanie Jähne and Marcel Helbig point out that this negative effect occurs regardless of the social status of the parents. It could not be proven by the scientists whether teachers assign these children increasingly negative qualities. In the past, there have been a number of studies dealing with grading and, above all, influencing the awarding process. Scientists from the Universities of Potsdam and Freiburg found out that besides the conscientious work, the origin of the children also plays a decisive role. These results have been known for some time and the usual assessment of benefits should be reconsidered. (Fr)
Picture: Anne Garti