Study marijuana use does not cause depression and anxiety

In general, substances that can lead to addiction do not have a good reputation. Often such substances are assigned negative consequences. For several years it has been suggested that the use of marijuana could trigger depression and other mental disorders. Researchers from Columbia University have now concluded in a major study that marijuana is by no means responsible for such diseases in adults.
In the past, there have been a number of studies claiming that marijuana is responsible for some mental illnesses. A new study is now different opinion. American researchers from Columbia University conclude that consuming marijuana in adults does not trigger depression or anxiety disorders. The researchers published their findings in the journal "JAMA Psychiatry".

New study refutes many older views
The use of marijuana is often associated with the onset of mental disorders. Anxiety disorders and depression are said to be triggered by marijuana, scientists claimed in the past. Some older studies had already tried to prove these negative effects. A new study has now revealed that this view was wrong, the doctors say. The use of marijuana does not cause any of these mental illnesses in adults. Neither depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder can be caused directly by the plant, the researchers say.
Scientists are studying the data of 35,000 adults
For their study, the physicians at Columbia University studied the records of nearly 35,000 adults in America. They were involved in a national epidemiological survey on alcohol and other substances, the researchers explain. The researchers studied the prevalence of marijuana use among the study participants in 2001 and 2002, and then several years later they examined whether the participants had developed mental disorders. The follow-up examination took place in the years 2004 and 2005, explain the physicians. A variety of confounding factors have been controlled, such as sociodemographic characteristics, family history, environmental and past or present psychiatric disorders, researchers said. The experts came to the conclusion that marijuana use was not associated with an increased risk of developing depression or anxiety disorders.
Marijuana use increases the likelihood of alcohol and cigarette consumption
However, the study found a link between marijuana use and subsequent substance-related disorders, such as abuse and dependence on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, the researchers explain. When people consume a drug frequently, they often use other substances as well. A good example of this is the classic combination of beer and cigarettes, say the experts. Marijuana users would be more likely to develop alcohol problems compared to drug-free people. In addition, those affected began smoking cigarettes twice as often, according to lead author Mark Olfson of Columbia University..
Information sheets should be updated with the new facts
The current findings on mental health among cannabis users are very interesting given the contradictory views of previous research, the researchers explain. The study findings are of particular importance because much of the current literature on marijuana still contains statements linking marijuana and depression. Such statements can be considered in the light of the new findings as inaccurate, explain the doctors. The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), for example, claims in its bulletin on marijuana that the dangers and consequences of marijuana abuse are certainly associated with depression. The leaflet even mentions depression fourteen times, claiming that marijuana use can lead to depression in adolescents, adults and even dogs, the doctors say. Since such documents are used to inform politicians at the federal level, it is crucial that the latest and most accurate research results are reproduced, say the experts. This is especially true given the rapidly changing marijuana policy worldwide.