Study Body gut hormones protect against arteriosclerosis

Anti-inflammatory and vascular protective action of the intestinal hormone GIP
According to the German Heart Foundation, coronary heart disease (CHD) was the most common of all heart diseases in Germany in the year 2017, with 660,000 inpatient treatments. The basis for this disease offers an arteriosclerosis, the so-called arteriosclerosis, in which the arteries are increasingly narrowed by deposits. Researchers have taken a closer look at a gut hormone in a recent study and decrypted new protective properties that apparently counteract deposits in vessels.
A research team around Dr. med. Florian Kahles from the University Hospital Aachen examined the gut-formed hormone GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide) and discovered a previously unknown anti-inflammatory and vascular protective effect, which proceeds from the hormone. The scientists report that this could be a new treatment approach for the treatment of arteriosclerosis. The study results were recently published in the journal "Molecular Metabolism".

The intestinal hormone GIP
The intestinal hormone GIP is formed after eating in the intestine. It was already known to regulate blood sugar levels by inducing insulin secretion from the pancreas when needed. This process is known as "incretin effect". The latest research by the Aachen scientists showed that GIP can do even more. The researchers discovered protective properties that counteract the development of arteriosclerosis.
About arteriosclerosis
In arteriosclerosis, deposits and inflammatory cells have formed on the inner skin of the vessels. These deposits are called medically atherosclerotic plaques. These plaques narrow the diameter of the vessel and thus hinder blood flow. Often such a narrowing occurs unnoticed for years. As risk factors, which contribute to the emergence, apply:
- high blood pressure,
- To smoke cigarettes,
- Hyperlipoproteinemia (lipid metabolism disorder),
- gout,
- Obesity (obesity),
- Polycythemia (thick blood),
- lack of exercise,
- stress.
Possible sequelae of arteriosclerosis
Atherosclerosis provides the basis for many heart diseases, such as the coronary heart disease mentioned above. Calcification of the arteries can have life-threatening consequences. When the arteriosclerotic plaques burst open, a clot can form that, in the worst case, occludes the entire artery, triggering a heart attack because the heart muscle is no longer supplied with blood.
How can the hormone GIP help?
In animal experiments, the hormone has an inhibitory effect on the deposition of inflammatory cells, which contribute to the development of arteriosclerosis. As a result, the release of pro-inflammatory messengers could also be reduced. Furthermore, this showed an improved plaque stability. The plaques burst less frequently, which could prevent clot formation.
GIP as the body's own active ingredient
The researchers report that analyzes of over 700 patients at the Cardiovascular Biobank at the University of Aachen have shown that the concentration of GIP in the blood of atherosclerosis sufferers is increased. This suggests that the body uses GIP as an endogenous anti-inflammatory and vasoprotective agent. In further clinical studies, it should now be clarified whether cardiac infarcts could be prevented by GIP.
Award-winning student work
Dr. med. Florian Kahles from the University Hospital Aachen and his team received for the results of their study the "Uta and Jürgen Breunig Research Award" from the German Heart Foundation, endowed with 6,000 euros. (Vb)