Study strength training enhances general cognitive abilities

Exercises with weights can not only strengthen the muscles, they seem to improve the cognitive functions. Researchers have now found that people can improve their brain function by weight training with weights or resistors. This also applies to people with mild cognitive impairment.
Researchers at the University of Sydney found that weight training improves both the muscles and cognitive abilities of the brain. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Journal of the American Geriatrics Society".

Positive effects of muscle growth
Usually we associate weightlifting with muscle growth. Healthy muscles help with weight control, protect against type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, say the experts. Apparently, there are also other positive effects of training with weights. The physicians noted that such training can improve cognitive functions.
Association between muscle growth and cognitive functions detected
We found a connection between the strengthening of the muscles and an improvement of the cognitive functions, explains the author. Yorgi Mavros from the University of Sydney. The stronger the people become, the greater the positive benefit for the brain.
Study examines people between the ages of 55 and 80 years
The research team examined one hundred adult volunteers between the ages of 55 and 80 years. Participants had low scores on cognitive tests. The subjects were divided into four groups and participated twice a week in various exercises. These contracted over a six-month period, say the researchers.
Exercises of the four subject groups
The first group did exercises with weights, resistance and cognitive training. The second group also did such exercises, but instead of cognitive training they only received a placebo exercise (they considered nature videos), the scientists explain. The third group only did exercises to train the brain. The last group received placebo exercises for the brain and physical training (stretching exercises / calisthenics).
Benefits of the exercises were retained for up to a year
It has been observed in the study that exercises with weights and resistances lead to significant improvements in cognitive functions, the experts explain. The benefits are retained even one year after completion of the study. This is the first study to establish such a causal relationship. Mavros.
Are hormones responsible for the improvements?
Older adults typically lose muscle mass and muscle strength over time. Improving these two factors also improves cognitive function, the authors explain. Strength training is different than exercises like running or cycling. However, doctors do not fully understand the mechanism responsible for this. Probably hormones that are needed to strengthen muscle strength also contribute to cognitive enhancements, the experts speculate.
Different possibilities for a healthy strength training
Training with weights or resistance is far too rarely done by most people. Another study found that nine out of ten Australians do not do weight training twice a week, although experts have been advising for a longer time. Strength training can include lifting weights (dumbbells and kettlebells), doing your own body weight exercises (push ups, squats and sit ups) or exercises with a so-called resistance band.
Even in old age strength training is still possible
However, it is not only important how often such exercises are done, but also how these exercises are performed. Mavros. Training with weights could be done effectively or poorly. The participants in the study trained with a very high intensity (80 percent of their maximum). If people want to achieve positive improvements in the brain, they must train with a high intensity, advise the doctors. Even in old age, the exercises do not necessarily decrease in intensity. Of course, the weights used vary from person to person, the authors add.
Exercises also bring benefits in people with dementia
It's never too late to start training. Even people with dementia can gain some benefits from such exercises. Probably, this type of exercise is useful for any chronic condition, says dr. Macros. (As)