Study Every third new drug with no demonstrable added value for patients

Spending on drugs has increased dramatically in recent years. New medicines, which are usually more costly, are also contributing to the rise in healthcare costs. But much of the new drug on the market has no added benefit for patients.
Expensive drugs without added benefit
At the beginning of last year it was reported that pharmaceutical spending in Germany reached a new record high. Cost drivers include new, expensive medicines for diseases such as hepatitis C or cancer. If the medicines ensure that illnesses can be better treated, price increases are more comprehensible. But many medicines are without added benefit.

Every third new drug without benefit to the patient
As the newspapers of the Funke media group report, every third drug launched on the market has no additional benefit for patients. This shows an interim balance of the statutory health insurance. Previously, all new drugs had been tested for their usefulness and costs for five years.
According to the information, the statutory health insurance funds and the pharmaceutical manufacturers have been conducting price negotiations since 2012 for 129 drugs. Of these preparations, only 44, or about one-third, would have a clearly demonstrable added benefit for the patients.
Another third (41 remedies) had no advantage over known therapies, the remainder only for a part of the patients.
Reform remained below expectations
It is said that much of the new drugs launched in recent years are for the treatment of cancer, infectious diseases such as hepatitis or metabolic diseases such as diabetes.
Price negotiations and benefit assessment are the result of a 2011 drug market reform designed to help limit spending on medicines. However, the balance of the funds showed that the reform remained below expectations.
Although a total of about 2.5 billion euros could be saved in the five years, but originally two billion euros should come together each year.
Doctors need information about the benefits of new medicines
The health insurance companies evaluate the balance nevertheless positive: "The benefit assessment and the price negotiations offer a way to increase the quality of the drug supply," said the Vice President of the Central Association of health insurance, Johann Magnus von Stackelberg, told the newspapers of the Funke Media Group. "That helps separate the wheat from the chaff."
It is now time for further development. "Registered doctors need to get quick and detailed information about the benefits of new drugs," said Stackelberg.
"Only if they know which medicines are really better, they can provide their patients well," said the association manager.
Counteract the influence of the pharmaceutical industry
The problem has been around for some time. Already last year, the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) had pointed out in a communication that doctors, pharmaceutical companies, patients and health insurances have long been demanding that the Arzneimittelmarktneuordnungsgesetz (AMNOG) and thus the results of the early benefit assessment in the medical practice arrive.
"At present, some patients are not receiving new therapies fast enough, others are receiving expensive supplements that have no added benefit," said Tim Steimle, Head of the Department of Pharmaceuticals at TK, at the Pharma 2016 in Frankfurt.
"We therefore hope that the decisions of the Federal Joint Committee will be more closely incorporated into the ordinance decision," said the TC expert. Taking into account the results of the early benefit assessment in the medical guidelines would not only assist doctors in the choice of therapy, but would also counteract the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on the guidelines.
"The doctor is currently in conflict. It should take into account the guidelines, which often give a different recommendation than the early benefit assessment, "explained Steimle.
Plans of the Minister of Health
"The benefit assessment of medicines and the subsequent price negotiations lead to cost savings in the interests of the insured," said Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU) to the spark newspapers.
According to him, the new regulations he plans to help patients "continue to have fast access to new high-quality medicines" and the healthcare system "sustainably affordable". (Ad)