Is flax oil better than fish?

Linseed oil showed better effects than fish during a study
Nutritionist Melanie Köhler from the University of Jena has been awarded the 2,500 Euro Alpro Foundation Award 2013. In her study, the prizewinner investigated whether linseed oil can serve as an omega-3 fatty acid supplier instead of sea fish. Linseed oil is particularly rich in alpha-linolenic acid, which can be converted by the human body into the long-chain and health-promoting omega-3 fatty acids.
Subjects in the study - nine men and ten women - were on average 62 years old. All were suffering from hypertension and were overweight. There were also disorders of the blood sugar metabolism. They were given daily two tablespoons of linseed oil for eight weeks. During the study period, they were not allowed to eat fish. After eight weeks, it was found that the subjects had about twice as many omega-3 fatty acids in the blood as at the beginning of the study. In addition, blood pressure levels were lower and blood lipids improved. (Pm)
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Picture credits: Rolf Handke