Study In these three phases of life, people increasingly suffer from loneliness

When do people especially suffer from loneliness??
Loneliness can be a really heavy burden for those affected and can lead to all sorts of negative effects. Researchers are now investigating whether there are phases in life in which humans are particularly lonely. Everyone feels lonely from time to time, but there are actually three phases in life when loneliness reaches a peak in some individuals.
Researchers at the University of California's San Diego School of Medicine found in their current research that at certain stages of life, some people feel particularly lonely. The physicians published the results of their study in the English language journal "International Psychogeriatrics".

What subjects participated in the study?
In their study, the experts examined 340 residents from San Diego, who at the time of the study were between 27 years and 101 years old. These subjects had previously participated in studies on aging and mental illness. People with serious physical or mental health problems (such as dementia) and those who lived in nursing homes or needed significant life support were excluded from the study.
How was loneliness measured??
The scientists evaluated participants' solitude using a variety of systems, including the University of Los Angeles 20-point Loneliness Scale and a self-assessment of social isolation of the U.S.. Department of Health and Human Services. After evaluating the results, the scientists found that in three phases of life a particularly severe loneliness occurred: late 20s, mid 50s and late 80s.
Which factors favor loneliness?
These results are so remarkable because participants did not have an increased risk of experiencing moderate to severe loneliness. They also had no serious physical disorders. The subjects also did not suffer from major mental illnesses such as depression or schizophrenia, where solitude could be problematic, explains study author Dilip Jeste from the University of California, San Diego. Although there were clear demographic limitations in the group, these participants were generally ordinary people, the expert adds. The physicians also found that loneliness is associated with poor mental health, substance abuse, cognitive impairment, and poor physical health such as hypertension and sleep disorders.
Loneliness is not always about social isolation
According to the research team, this is the first known assessment of this kind and further research is needed. There are currently more knowledge gaps than answers, says study author Jeste. However, the results suggest that a change in thinking about loneliness is needed. It's not always about social isolation. One person can be alone and not feel lonely while another person can be with many people and still feel lonely. Solutions and interventions need to be found to better connect people and better educate them about loneliness. A better informed society is a happier, better connected and less lonely society, explain the scientists. (as)