Study to improve memory by cocoa

Study to improve memory by cocoa / Health News

Study: Improving memory by cocoa


As a new study shows, cocoa is not only a tasty culinary delight, but could also help to counteract age-related memory loss. Flavonoids play an essential role here. In the investigation, 60-year-olds achieved the memory of 30-year-olds.

Reminder function in seniors excited
The fact that flavonoids contained in cocoa beans can help to reduce the risk of heart attack has already been demonstrated in the past. This herbal active ingredient at high doses but also ensures that a particular area responsible for memory in the brain is again better supplied with blood, as a study by the US Columbia University shows. The reminder function for seniors is thus greatly stimulated.

Specially prepared cocoa drink
For the investigation, recently published in the journal „Nature Neuroscience“ 37 older adults drank a specially prepared cocoa drink every day for three months. Some of the 50- to 69-year-old volunteers received a significantly increased dose of flavonoids, the other group hardly drank any of the phytochemicals. As it turned out, the study participants achieved a significantly better memory performance with the increased amount of flavonoids.

Memory of 30-year-olds
Brain scans showed greater blood volume and improved circulating blood in the dentate gyrus, part of the hippocampal brain region. The hippocampus plays an essential role in memory. As the researchers announced, was in the subject group with the flavonoid-rich drinks increased blood circulation found. They also performed much better during memory exercises. The author of the study, neurology professor Scott A. Small of Columbia University in New York, said about the results: „If a participant had the memory of a typical 60-year-old at the beginning of the study, after three months on average he had the memory of a 30- to 40-year-old.“ However, tests with larger groups of subjects are still needed to confirm these results.

Flavonoids in different foods
Flavonoids are not only found in cocoa, but in different species and concentration in grapes, blueberries, apples and other fruits and in some vegetables and teas. However, most of the flavonoids are lost in the manufacture of most commercial products containing cocoa. So to get to the value of 900 milligrams, the study participants received, you would take daily several tablets of dark chocolate. In milk chocolate, the active ingredient is barely contained.

Bitter chocolate can protect against diseases
It is said that the study's findings are not related to diseases such as Alzheimer's, but to normal memory gaps, such as those that can occur from the age of 50, such as when you can not remember the names of new acquaintances. However, in other areas, the positive impact of chocolate on health has already been demonstrated. Various studies in the past have come to the conclusion that eating bitter chocolate may lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition, Swiss scientists have found that bitter chocolate has an influence on the release of stress hormones and thus protects against the negative health consequences of stress. (Ad)

Image: Timo Klostermeier